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Reviews for "Red Cross ERU"

didn't like it

it was a big advertisement BUY A FORD!!!! the sales of our trucks are slipping due to rising gas prices!


not a fan of this game...

no sir

i don't like it. i know it's unfair because i'm not usually a rts fan, but this made me not want to give 'em a chance.


When I heard RTS I expected something...err much better. And where, pray tell, are the African Radicalists that slaughter these Red Cross employees by the dowzen? It was informative though.

I have great respect for the red cross but...

This game has way too many flaws for me to score it well.

First there is very little instruction given. What's the point of setting up shelters rather than relocating the homeless? Why should I prepare a clinic rather than simply sending a medical team?

Second the game claims to be a strategy game but there isn't much strategy involved. I suppose waiting to finish primary objectives until the secondary ones show up could be called a strategy, but other than that it's a lot of clicking and waiting.

Third is the speed at which the game plays. Is it really necessary to have photorealist maps when I'm not using 60% of it? The game runs so slow on hard that it crashes flash by the second mission.

Fourth if I want the full game not only do I have to download it (why is the demo in flash if the full game isn't?) I also have to have windows. What kind of charity turns people away based on their operating system?

Its nice to know a bit more about the red cross but I have to wonder if the "percentage of profits given to the red cross" isn't simply a scheme to sell low budget games at an inflated price!

Bottom line, If this game wasn't associated with the red cross would you buy it? If not think about how trying to sell this game reflects on your company.