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Reviews for "Kombat Fighters - KotK"

!0 stars form me!

Awesome and chllenging, but I have one complaint. In every game his reaching thing was not a Hell Beast, it was a hook at the end of the rope that came out of his hand.

best card game i have played in a long time

i liked how you added diffirent amount of characters from different games like scorpion from mortal kombat,sephiroth from the final fantasy games,ryu evil ryu from the street fighter games,fulgore from my first and favorite snes fighting game killer instinct i hope you make a sequel soon but take your time im not rushing anyone i hope if you learn someday if not that you know already add online i dont care if you dont add characters :D well that's all i got to say i wish you good luck on your future games and on your life bye


This game needs a sequal


This game is so fun. Great concept and great characters. It may be 2 years old, but please, make a sequel!

mega kill!!!

illidans attacks r epic!!!!i won killer king without dying once or losing any health!!!!!