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Reviews for "Awesome Center Redux"

Keep with your style, Egoraptor

I'm not going to say that Shen has no right to his opinion... but he seems to be forgetting why most people come to newgrounds. Newgrounds is a place where 90% of people come for no reason other than the be entertained... nothing more than maybe to waste some time as well, but certainly nothing less. The majority of the other 10% are artists who come to receive some recognition or work on their talents, or, what in my opinion is the purest of motives, to simply share a talent they have with others that they may get the same joy out of experiencing it as the artist has making it. Newgrounds isn't some art gallery where people come en masse just to criticize the art and attempt to derive some deeper meaning from the paintings than even the artists may have intended. Art can exist for art's sake, and flash has the same right too.

Videogame parodies are by no means original... but if you want to argue about originality, then there is no such thing in parody. Parody by definition is all the same -- it mimics the reality, points out all or some of its flaws and then makes the reality seem ridiculous by doing so. Those who parody George W Bush make fun of his accent, his sneer, his smugness... merely making the reality seem more ridiculous. Nothing that is a parody is original, because if it were "original" there would need to be nothing off which the parody was based.

You have found your style, and shouldn't even contemplate throwing it away. Now, pursuing side projects where you show your ability to draw things other than in the awesome style, is completely up to you. But if shen is says there hasn't been any improvement in your animations since you started, he's either blind, stupid, or hasn't watched your original works. The animation is smoother, and the drawing is slightly improved (although you still keep the slight sloppiness that is characteristic of your style). Vincent Van Gogh is considered one of the greatest artists of all time, and his drawings weren't exactly perfect to reality either. You don't have to start drawing every pore or doing intensive shading or anything like that because that isn't your work.

Furthermore, your brand of comedy doesn't have to change either. As I've already stated, nearly everyone who comes here comes to be entertained... and as your reviews, vote score, and everything else shows, you're doing that and doing it very, very well. And if shen honestly watched this and didn't even crack a smile, he needs to pull the stick out of his... well, be imaginative?

I won't say "YOU CAN'T CHANGE MAN, WE LOVE YOU MAN, DON'T DO ANYTHING DIFFERENT EVER >:(" because as the artist it's YOUR choice what you do. If you honestly feel the need to destroy the awesome series, then so be it. The awesome series brings alot of smiles and laughs to people, and it's honestly great for pointing out the glaring problems some videogames have (those wierd alien/disease things in trauma center were just... yeah...). You're entertaining people, and as long as you keep it up with the pointing out the holes in games and occasionally throwing in things like the monster from that skiing game (go see awesome compilation 1) then your brand of entertainment will be the best. Well I have to go, but don't let people like Shen get to you, he's like one of those movie critics who everyone hates because they can't appreciate entertainment that's just that, entertaining.


MalibuSunshine meant to say more not me. Sorry about that. Love your videos :D

Amazing as usual

This is why I think only YOU should make awesome cartoons...imagine if, instead of some other dude doing Grand Theft Awesome, you did it...It would have been better.....overall great job....btw can someone tell me if this was also based on a game, and if it is, can you tell me which? Thanks....

oh, brill.

Oh, thanks very much. I just got found out being on the computer at 2 in the morning because I was laughing so hard. >:(


my fav part was when he said my sister has cancer and make that great face