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Reviews for "SkaterShit's Movie"


Ugh stones...

I stood on a skate for maybe one time and I've fallen a hundred times by stones.

(engels verstaat iedereen ee)

Skatershit responds:

Hahah hell yeah

(Tsja mongolen die maar een taal kennen haha wij zijn overbegaafd!)

stones r epic!

they throw me off like every time i skate! great movie, i can relate to that guy

good job

not bad at all for your first flash, it was short and sweet

whoever invented stones ne ways?! so useless!

Skatershit responds:

Well, You never know, Stones can be usefull. Like throwing them too your rivals >: )


u should put corey duffel and beageloneism fighting in the back ground the would been fuckin FUNYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY but good shit dude SICKKK and fuckin stones do fuckin suck FUCK THEM MUTAFUCAZZZZ!!!!!

Skatershit responds:

Beagle is such a poodle :D
yeah, Maybe as an easter egg in the next one :]
Thank you kindly for you'r comment, Dear sir.

- SS


Sweet movie! Can't wait for the next one. CURSE YOU, EPIC STONE! >:O

Skatershit responds:

Yeah, This happens so much in my skating >: ( i hate it! FUCK THE STONES!