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Reviews for "Feel the Beat (F2Jam)"


That's way COOL! I'm a musician myself.. and this is pretty close to playin an instrument with only 7 keys..i only played the first song. i had to go jam myself after that..lol. Very Cool..

Meh. Not bad, but I've seen better.

I like the concept, you've got the rhythm down pat, and there's plenty of options to customize your experience. The fact that the order of the notes on screen seems to have nothing to do with the pitch of the notes is not nearly as bad as the one thing that ruined it for me:

You are punished for holding hold notes for too long. WTF? I can't even tell when the hold notes end, because the rounded ends make i hard to know whether the entire hold note has gone past yet, and on almost every hold note I find myself letting go as soon as the rounded tip has vanished, to be greeted with "miss."
To get it right, I have to let go when the rounded tip lines up with the circle, NOT the bottom of the screen. This is unintuitive and is the main reason I did not give this a higher rating.

The obvious way to fix this, to me at least, would be to allow a longer leeway after the note passes for you to let go of it. This would be intuitive, because players are already used to games that only care if they get the front end of the note perfect and just award bonus points if you get the end perfect, too. At least, every rhythm game I play frequently does. Maybe I'm wrong, and there's a fan base that enjoys this sort of thing, but I can't stand it, for me it leads to the sort of "NO! I pressed the OTHER button, I know I did!" that in turn leads to swearing at video games with unintuitive response timing.

XceeD responds:

Dear nupanick,
In only so many instruments does holding a note down longer than it should note affect the outcome.

Furthermore, I allowed a half a second leeway. It was intuitive. And it should have been obvious to let go of the hold notes when the top of the "round end," as you so nicely coined it, hits the bottom one.

Your truly,

Alright I guess

I like the concept, and it said you can change the keys you use to fit your hands which is really nice. The two problems I had with the music is I tried it out on easy to get a feel for the game and the first song was great, couple of the multiple notes at once snuck up on me but it was rather enjoyable. Then I played the second song and it's difficulty level jump dramatically. if you're going to give the player an easy option, it should be easy. you know, allow them to work their way into the game so they have some idea what they're doing at the harder levels. you missed this by a mile. The other problem I had with the game is the keys you press have nothing to do with the notes you hear. with that much data flying at you, you REALLY should have tied the two together. as it is this is more of a 'memorize the random key patterns' than a 'pretend to play the piano' game. so a 6 of 10.
also there were several reviews that said the notes wouldn't load, I didn't come across this problem, but it should probably be fixed as well. good job and thanks.

XceeD responds:

Dear kleeton,
I agree with you in that the difficulty spiked between the first and second song. However, I would disagree with you when you say that comparing the easy level of both songs that there is a dramatic difference. I'm pretty sure most people would agree with me here, as many people have requested for even harder songs.
Secondly, I must disagree that the keys have nothing to do with the song. The keys that are coming down are literally the notes that are being played in the song. If I misread your claim and you actually meant that there was no feedback in the song when you, for example, miss a note, then yes, I must agree with you. Initially, my game did mute the sound if you missed it. However, due to constraints in the file size due to the 10MB limit by Newgrounds (and due to the fact that waiting for a game to load is not the most exciting thing one can do in a day), I removed that functionality and decided to just leave it as is. I myself would think that it turned out for the best, in that I was able to fit 3 songs (at least for this version) in under 10MB whereas previously, I could barely make 1 song fit in the 10MB limit.
Furthermore, the only time random key patterns appear in the game is when you click the "random notes" crazy option. Assuming you didn't, please don't call those notes random. Saying such is just like saying that all the larger music game franchises also had "random notes." Obviously with only seven keys, I was unable to emulate the wide ranges of pitches in each song. But still, calling it random is unfair on my part as I spent countless hours working on the charts of each song.
All in all, thanks for playing the game and leaving such a great, critical review. It was highly appreciated.


sweet game

ummm gd?

well im guessing its a good game but i really wuldnt know because the gad damn notes wont show on my computer!
its not old,infact its pretty new!its a month old so im really confused on wat the hell is wrong!