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Reviews for "Good Ol' Friendly Nes Ep1"


somethin out of the usual bit more on the quality but the story was good

Twisted in every way! I laughed a little.

I would have laughed a lot if you would have kept going. I don't mean actually explaining anything, no no no! It's actually really cool that you never explained what the F*** they drank, lol, and that it was making them puke and bleed and stuff, only because I see the sick twisted humor behind having those corny laugh racks in when everything is not really something you usually laugh at. Yet, I think you kinda stopped the film right when things were getting to be really funny. It was kinda a let dwn.

Only kinda. Other than that keep up the good work.

Odd mix

Ok, I like your animating style and you seem to know how to make a quality cartoon but you are trying to mix styles that just plain don't go together. I think you'd to better to make it more serious. Go for a horror film rather than trying to pass horror for comedy. The laugh track and friendly intro just didn't sit well with me. It was worth a shot but I don't think I'd try it again.

I'll be looking forward to your next piece though.

ok, i guess

well, the animation style is really cool, but this one was not for me, i just didnt get it. I dont like the story but i think you are a good animator and think in other projects you will be much more successful:) KEEP WORKING AT IT!!!!

This either isn't funny or I missed the point

If you were trying to be funny, mission failed. It was just disturbing. Not too disturbing - not like The Ring disturbing. More like...Michael Jackson disturbing.

If you weren't trying to be funny and were trying to be disturbing, then I'm not sure you get any points there either. This isn't all that original at all.

Good animation though.