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Reviews for "AstroFlyer"

Good Game Concept, Bad controls

Very Bad controls, it'll look like you got the star but for some stupid reason it won't, and you collide with objects that aren't even there or objects you shoould've passed already.

its harrrrddd

its to hard for me. i just suck

It's not really 3d if everythings 2 dimensional

The flatness of the obstacles makes it hard to know when you've passed them.

Flat Charm

The game reminded me of those earlier games in which you wish you could dodge out of the way but there's an invisible wall block your path. I just hated that, but that's not what exactly is my problem here.

Everytime I tried to duck and cover, it seemed like I got, as it were, confused on where I was going. I thought watching the ship would help - nope. Watch the crosshair - nope. I ended up just having to wing it based on the screen. This made it really difficult.

Cute game, but got very frustrating to play. Infinite lives please.

its ok

the game is fun in the start but then it gets hard and booring, but really good game for a beginner.