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Reviews for "Paccoland"

Really Frustrating.

As soon as i started playing this, i noticed two things.
1.Everything in this game derives from pac-man, pretty much labeling it as a clone.
2.The control scheme is just terrible
Although the grahpics are great and the animation is smooth, the fact that you move your character around with the mouse takes so much out of the game. If it was the arrow keys or the WASD keys, it would probably be much better.

Nothing is very original in this game. The one monster i came to that wasn't a ghost was just a bigger version of the ghost. It didn't have any extra features, it just moved around like any other enemy. Of course, i only got to that level. It's not easy to play this game using the mouse.

The only thing i see that IS original in this game is the control scheme. Which is, of course, terrible. If you're trying to get away from an enemy, the best you can do is make yourself fly across the screen. Sure, there's a brake, but it's not as if you can just go where you want with a simple keystroke. No, you have to charge your mouse up in the exact direction you need to go, then continue doing that until you collect all the coins and reach the exit.

The weirdest thing i noticed is that you act as if pac-man had not influenced the game at all. There's no mention to pac-man in the description, you describe the ghosts as "hungry monsters", and, of course, your character's name is "pacco". Sure, you added a few things like conveyer belts, and called the monsters and objects different things, but all in all, it's almost exactly like pac-man.

The control scheme is a huge problem and should really be fixed if you decide to make a sequel. Using the WASD keys would make this game much easier, and a lot less frustrating. 2/5, 4/10.


Sorry to tell you this but..
I didnt like it because it got repetitiver and boring fast.

not great

not as addictive as a game should be...

hmmm eh

its ok for first try but def needs to have things changed.

Things that need to be changed!
-The constant track playing
-add a counter for how many times you move, adds a challenge, too easy the way you have it.
-make it easier to break the blocks, it takes way way too many hits to break them.
-add some kind of golf scoring system might make it easier to see your progress, could up the re-playability!

whileworking responds:

- You can turn off the music or listen to internet radio (shoucast/winamp) which should bring a little variety (more ingame tracks are planned for the next part)

- I am afraid that a move counter would be way too frustrating for most of the players, but it might be a nice idea as an additional game mode!

- Blocks: Tap the mouse button fastly when you're in front of them!

- At the moment you're getting the more bonus points the faster you solve a level, I think that's a nice challenge for all hiscore freaks, but i'll keep that in mind :)!

thanx for the suggestions (but not for the score ;D)

ummmm not good i expected more for that score

The graphics where plain , the gameplay was simple but it was no complain....
you characters looked like a rip off of pacman and it was not fun, sorry try better next time you haves skills but not ideas.