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Reviews for "The Amazing Maze"

Unoriginal but Promising

I will say off the bat that this type of submission has been done to death but there are many that are worse than this one.

The problem with these kinds of flash game is that it has one fatal flaw. All the player has to do is remember where the goal is, alt tab to a full screen window, move the cursor to the memorised location then alt tab back. Instant win.

This has basically killed the sub-genre of mouse movey thingy games but saying that, as this is a fairly early submission its a very good effort.

Keep up the good work and now you got the concepts down try to be a little more inventive on your next one.

there was a problem

the problem was is that it repeats the song all the time and its anoying

not bad

this game has got potential, but it's not the first of it's kind unfortunately.
-mazes that look like something interesting (eg optical illusions)
-fix sound bug, the sound is replaying on each new maze
-have a level counter so that i know how many i did
-not original, needs more interest
-still a fun idea though

An average attempt.

First and foremost, the right click trick hasn't been prevented, allowing cheating by anyone who wants to get to the end without putting in the effort.
The music was a nice touch over most of the other maze games out there... but when a new loop starts at the beginning of each level and the old one doesn't stop, leaving you with a cocophany of 'music' all overlaying each other... sorry, not good.
"Follow the rules, dumbass"; Ok, what are they? the ONLY reason I knew not to push the button that leads to this screen is by pushing it to find out what it did.
Finally, your attitude; "If this passes it may be the first of many, if not then I will just not bother as it takes too much time..." I'm afraid this is the way to get people not to bother playing or voting as this sort of self deprecating attitude brings a lot of people down. If it gets through then, yes, by all means make more. If it doesn't get through then don't give up for crying out loud, learn a lesson, practice more and submit something better. You think we ended up with the better games of newgrounds by every creator quitting when something got blammed? No, they took in what people were saying about it and gave them what they want.
One more point that I just can't let drop... grammar and spelling, please. Capitals at the beginning of a sentence, full stops at the end, when you're using the word 'to' in an 'as well' sense it's 'too' with an extra 'o' and when you're referring to yourself it's 'I', not 'i'. Oh yeah, 'its' is when something owns something, 'it's' is short for 'it has'. I'm sorry to have to say this sort of thing but illiteracy is my biggest pet peeve.

Where to start....

Unoriginal, Made my eyes hurt, INSULTED me..... But overall, an okay game. Keep trying, you'll get there.

frogger2k8 responds:

you've just descried my girlfriend in game terms. i have nothing more to say to that.