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Reviews for "i2 - LET IT RAIN!!!"


This is amazing. I see nothing wrong with this piece at all. you are catching up to Dimrain a bit. I have tried to make music but fail. If u have AIM im me ( nugz92 ) or yahoo messenger ( nugz92@yahoo.com ) give me some tips and the music program you use please. lol one more thing. if you don't have a messenger at all just email me at( nugz92@charter.net ). Just mindblowing.


i2abbitz responds:

alright but i'm not on too often.. just add me, my aim is in my profile. if you see me just say you're from newgrounds.
thanks for the review by the way!! very much appreciated!

Rain Roxorz

It got moving pretty slowly, and I would have liked to hear a little more bass. The drums were a bit weak. But other than these small things, it was quite enjoyable. Keep up the good work!


This is so amazing man! First I thought this was dimrans47's music but it was really you! Woh! Good entry to the song. Loved it. You mustof felt tired when you finished this song in the morning. Try too make the ending fade. Then it will sound nicer. I loved the piano man. Good stuff.

have you ever heard of animusic? On the second dvd...the last song sounds like this. So I geuss thats where you thought of this song.Donno.Really good.

Some of the drums sounded like hip-hop. Were they? Anyways...those drums sounded good with the song. Loved the bass. good job on that.The synths were cathy so it made me feel like to listen the whole song.

The thunder thing...try and make it a little less noisy. It was kind of fuzzy. Speaking of witch...the tytle fits the song really good.

There weren't a lot of mistakes on this. I guess you worked hard on it.

In conclusion...basiclly loved the whole thing. (seriously). Hope you give me a long responce back!


i2abbitz responds:

first off, to be compared to dimrain is just mindblowing.. he is amazing!

and yea i had just gotten home when i started this. i was pretty damn tired.. so by the end of the whole thing i was just like fuck it! cut it off in the end.. plus if i would've made it any longer it would've exceeded the size limit.

i've never heard of animusic.. might look into it sometime later.

some of the drums were for hip hop but i find that hip hop drums can make the beat stand out. i'm glad you liked the synths.

the whole thunder n rain thing was something i found on the internet and threw into the song, but i loved how it set the mood for the song.

there was this mistake that was bothering me.. like cobalt said there were some distortions in the filtering of the main melody.

theres your long response back. :)

thanks for your review bill!!!!!!!!


good music tis cool and i like it a lot

hahaha cool!

ince make a thunderstorm song haha im into weather alot! u remided me of storms =pp since its fk dame witer here grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr some days were dame -18 wahaha cold cant wait till sumer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! with thunderstorms gona record them =) mabye post vedio on site if big and exciting haha i nkow a bit about weather ooo love the techno sound when that sound comes in dudedududediduedu.............. then fades out should i make a song or just injoy my vacation of march break well i post a samll song probaly 8 seconds haaha i like th epino tuned i did thats why its says should i cuntinu it we!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! good beat also how long is this song hahaha lols cya good job my song name is piano hope nobudy blams me for stealing there song title i just thought of it cuse of the piano tuned i did its pretty good u should here it when it comes out =) cya have fun creating music ....

i2abbitz responds:
