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Reviews for "The Octahedron"

Great Work

OMG bullet-proof paper? Where can I get some? Back to reality though, great work, it was well drawn, the sound effects were usually spot on and the music suited the theme.
P.S. Vladdyboy don't call mathematicians nerds, if it weren't for mathematicians there would be no no computers and more importantly, no NewGrounds! If you don't like the prospect, don't watch a movie with the description "A mathematician creates an octahedron which is light, bouncy and strong..."

Not so good.

I rarely bash on how bad I thought a movie was, and I don't necessarily plan on doing that now, but I didn't like a couple different aspects about it. First of all, I thought the transitions of sounds were really poorly done. I didn't like how you could hear air loudly rushing past them when they were on the cliff, to suddenly the wind becoming completely silent, and all you can hear is the sound of those bubbles (?). I also really didn't much understand the plot. Maybe it's because I didn't watch the whole thing, but in my opinion, if you're going to make a movie that long, please at least add some sort of plot, so we know if it's just starting or coming to a close. I agree with the one guy that it seems like you got a little carried away. It's almost like you just threw a bunch of random useless stuff in there, simply to take up more time. It was almost like you had some minimum requirement for the length of your movie, and you just put a bunch of filler stuff in it.

On the flip side, however, the animation was very well done, and the music fir the scenes very well, for the most part. Good job on that! :)

Amazing, truly amazing.

I was ready to retire for the night, and decided to watch one last flash movie. I noticed this on the frontpage, and decided to check it out. 16 minutes later, I'm thoroughly impressed.

First of all, the quality of the animation itself. It simply looks amazing. Very fluid, very well drawn. I liked how you made your characters and octahedrons white on a colored background.

Next, the story itself. I know that it wasn't much of a story, but it was very well done as well. I liked how the Mathematician used octahedrons to solve all those problems. The ending was great too, with the birds repaying the favor.

Onward: next on my list, sound. You had an excellent choice of music. It wasn't overly in-your-face, it suited the mood perfectly. Your sound effects were also excellent. They were perfect for the type of movie. I liked how you decided to not include voice acting, and instead tell the story through pictures and actions.

I have no criticisms. Excellent job. Keep up the great work.

- LedgendGamer


This animation was great, a little random at times but none the less great!!! You are a great animator, keep up the great work.

this took alot of work GOOD JOB

You could be on tv someday i voted 5 score 10 GOOD LUCK on your next one mayby you could make another person in your next one. ^_^