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Reviews for "Spanish Quiz!"

me no speaky

decent game, a lilttle annoying. Maybe if you put some relevant spanish information or made it a spanish history game with words it would of been better.

Wtf was this

man this is the worst spanish exam(quiz) or whatever it was i have ever take next luck next time hope there is not going to be a next time

bad visuals, bad translations, not so great :(

I thought this was going to be interesting! But I was wrong...
I'm mexican so I knew the answers to every question... but It may be so hard for some people. I suggest you to make easier questions like: "What does ZAPATO mean in english? Or something like that.
The animation and visuals are screwed up so bad! Sorry for being an asshole man, but since I have spoken spanish since I'm 3... I feel kinda insulted, but its'not your fault. I hope you do an improved version of this, that would be great.
Conclussion: Needs work :(

Note: you're lucky that you said to us that galleta means cookie and not waffle... Or I would have voted lower!
Note 2: This could turn into a great game... but work more on it :)


This spanish exam is pathetic!

Im from Puerto Rico a former latin american country were spanish is well spoken and understood! . I took spanish exams in my life and this exam needs some improvements . The best reason we the newgrounds users dont give 0 to it is the Pacman with the ballons you put when finished the question with a simple conjugation verb of word "Ir" which the correct anwer is option A word Vamos in plural.

Suggesttion : Work on the language and challenge the player to understand verbs, predicates, subjects ect... and as a price if you pass the exam which I would suggest 10 questions as max limit , you would put Hentai Japanese hot girls so the player would be delighted in my opinion with your quiz and raise your submission rating and comment scoring. Wishing you success.


Yikes, too simple, etc.

This "quiz" was way too simple. Most of the questions had to do with some form of ir. A better Spanish quiz would have dealt with more than just that verb and some random vocab.

Also, the visuals were horrible, as was the transitioning of questions... A bit random for Pac Man to be the thing to click on to advance.