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Reviews for "2 - The Story of Khale"

Outstanding Movie

It is quite an honor for me to review this movie and rate it while under judgement. It is nice to see the boost in quality from the first movie. Your background settings are what really keep this movie together. They are stunning!

I think there was a bit of a decline in the quality of the character drawings about 3/4ths into the movie. It was some of the close ups of the general population. They looked a bit anime-like almost.

Also, the old man dancing was a little obviously tweened and not as smooth as the rest of the movie. It still looks good, and I prefer the well developed scenes (and hopefully a really tight plot) rather than having every single animation motion be perfect. (Also, whatever saves time to keep these shorts coming out regularly!)

I just have wanted tell you, that ever since I heard "Further" on your first movie about Khale, I have had a love interest with the band and with this series. I look forward to where you take it. Good luck!



dude you got a great imagination!! ^^ you should try and sell this idea to Disney PIXAR, or maby Lucas Arts might be interrested in makin a game out of this =P

One Bad Mama Jamma

This is great man. I'm already waiting for the next installment. The story is just captivating, and a little tantalizing. Keep up the good work and great things will follow.

Very creative

I liked it!It was vvery creative and shows some true imagination.I still dont get the part with the smoking leaf people

We all need you to make more movies because we loved and still love your videos today