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Reviews for "I hate MAC ads"

Very nice

I liked how true this was both computers are shit and when you do come right to it macs look cool but suck at playing games pc are ok to look at and can play games but break down

Bobert-Rob responds:

Yes, thank you. That's exactly my point, the best way to go about buying a computer is first knowing what you want, THEN make your purchase based on that. Not on 'which one says its better' in this ad or that. Just get one based on what YOU PERSONALLY want and need in a machine! Thanks for the comment!

But, you know

If your were a machine, that was so STUPID that you had to have everything explained to you, every last detail (in computer language) and then have five different programs translate it down to binary so you'd understand it, AND if you had no purpose but to play games and/or be the work horse for some jackass human meat-bag, wouldn't you shut down abruptly, or make that awesome new game not work for two weeks, and then go and work out of the blue, or delete EVERYTHING OFF IT'S HARD DISK DRIVE (*Ahem* Real experience alert *Ahem*), just to piss that sack of flesh off?

Bobert-Rob responds:

Dude, I'd be an annoying computer, honestly. I wouldn't do shit for a LONG time, what with my laziness. It's a good thing computers aren't programmed to complain, or mine would complain like there's no tomorrow. And if there wasn't a tomorrow, they'd complain a lot.. that's what I'm trying to say, basically. Thanks for the comment!

i <3 you

I always hated there ads too. I have only seen one other person make a joke bout it too I think it was Fanboys comic

This deserves to be made into a series.

Seriously, the humor and the animation was great. Also, PC's voice sounds like Quagmire from Family Guy.

Bobert-Rob responds:

A little, doesn't it? Huh, I never noticed that. I was just trying to do a typical nerd voice, but it does sound rather Quagmire-ish. Go figure. And the only way I could see this being a series is if I made them like... in a world full of people who represent corporations walking around talking business talk. Of course, that would get annoying REALLY quickly, so I'd rather not do that. Thanks for the comment!


Really, there's very little humor to be had here. One moment it was a critique of the terribly one-sided Mac commercials, then all of a sudden Linux is represented for absolutely no reason. Decently animated, but I didn't even come close to a chuckle watching it.

Also, this is beside the point, but isn't it a technological miracle that almost everyone in the civilized world has a machine that can literally do BILLIONS of calculations a second? Heaven forbid it can't run a top of the line game at 60 fps or edit a picture down to the last pixel.

Ok, sorry, I'm done.

Bobert-Rob responds:

People like to make computers out to be like they're gods, but they break down a LOT and they're pretty limited. Yes, they're magnificent tools, but TOOLS is all they ever are and all they ever will be. And tools can break down. Tools can become obsolete. Tools can only do so much by themselves. It doesn't matter how great a tool says it is, what you DO with the tool is what makes it important. Glad you watched it and commented, either way.