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Reviews for "Billy Suicide"


good but too hard

Incredibly hard

Interesting game, can't fault youon that but it's hard and I can't say I'm fond of the scroll along to get to different rooms, maybe a map in a bottom corner to move rooms would make it easier. Great effort though

Great to play, if only....

Game hung up in afternoon session - didnt drink booze in time - is this on purpose or a glitch? Else, fun.

First time I've written a review in a while. . .

Well here goes. . .
Pretty fun. Controls, as stated previously were kinda tricky. Graphics were decent. Not that much depth. 1 day. 4 rooms. not that much to do.

I can see why he's depressed. . . All his money is lost so quickly and in the end he only gets a handjob. . . I think. . . idk it looked lame. poor guy! Ending was VERY anticlimatic!

1) Play the BASS GUITAR on free time till the meter fills (+150 points every time)
2) Drink Coffee till the meter nearly fills (not to the top, he gets anxiety)
3) when possible work in the BEDROOM till the meter fills (+125 points e.t.)
4) never mix alcohol and coffee or pills

Pretty simple. not bad yet needs improvement. keep up the work =)


kind of like a flash version of Indigo Prophecy for original xbox