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Reviews for "Larvae"


In your own words.... "Enjoy this parade of oddness." ...... Definitely oddness. It jumped quickly between the depths of water.... which didn't give it a fluid feel. It isn't bad & in one point i got a chuckle when the odd creature scared the little critters around it..

Is it just me or did it look like those jellyfish had popcorn in them??

not a bad animation even if it is odd & a strange eye opener

Ansel responds:

I don't know what the jellyfish have in them. A brain or something. What do real jellyfish have in them?


good animations, and it was kinda cool. I don't know why, but I did enjoy it.


|| Raving Larvae!

I've seemed to notice quite the opposite of what nimture said. Those places both light and dark are as the artist says, in and of each other. Also, I think that not everyone sees forest as dark and forboding. Nature can be quite beautifuland serene, as compared to a human city, where things get ugly pretty fast.

well, i have nothing to say. this is one f**ked up flash, but it seems to have some sort of meaning to it. i don't know what it is, but it's there. that, or i'm looking WAY to deep into this. maybe it was just for shits and giggles, maybe it wasn't. maybe there was a meaning, maybe there wasn't.

also, can you make more like this? more weird, twisted flash animations with a possible meaning?