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Reviews for "Nix Timelapse"

The smoking skull looks like a Fro.

I know if I was in a dark alley and this thing came after me, I'd be scared. This is very familiar in design to the Mario timelapse, since I didn't see anything "wow" I had to go with 9 stars.. Good job though.

liable-to-explode responds:

Thanks! And yes, I agree, nine star is the best vote this should get with no real storyline or animation.
(not too say I dont enjoy the tens! :))

Pretty darn good!

He looks very promising, get him in a flash asap. oh and from your little picture of the video, it made me think he had on something like a gas mask or jsut some kind of full-face visor with a yellow eye shield, and like more firey kinda stuff than smokey stuff, which i think would be a good improvement, or if not fire wich is kinda cliche some kind of smokey looking energy or aura. Or, if the smiley needs to stay, make it a dirty and semi-broken smiley mask like the ones in Manhunt, those are intimidating. He also needs better legs, not so boarish or hoofish but more like clawish, uk at least with toes because those look like they could leave him very offbalance with that sword hes got there. give the sword the same aura as his head too, that would rock. and i wanna know his story, bad guy, good guy, anti-hero? Any powers, whats his objective, can he talk? I wanna know, youve seriously intrigegded me. Let me know and then get to work getting him animated before he goes stale. Keep up the good work!

liable-to-explode responds:

Wow! You gave me so many Ideas! Thank you!


I liked him well enough when he was just a plain Smiley face with a swordsman's body, but when you made everything dark, and more realistic, well except the darkness eminating from the head (still cool though), I thought he was awesome.

liable-to-explode responds:

Thank you!!!


This was a tight flash. I like the character and hope to see him in a animation VERY soon! Good work.

liable-to-explode responds:

I'll try to do that.

Pretty Bawlin'

I know I should be giving you the ten you deserve (so you get a 5 regardless of the 9) for this being what it is, but I was hoping the animation was going to turn into something :P

I dunno how the hell you flash guys do it, I can't draw for ass. I've always wanted to, but I just can't. I can't even do it on paper, so how the hell you guys do it on a computer is beyond me -- it takes me like 2 hours just to photoshop a decent signature together.

That being said, these kinds of flashes are pretty impressive to me, because I could never do them. Not only to draw the character but kind of do the step-by-step like that? Oggles my mind.

The only reason you only got a nine is I was hoping to see some bitches die :P

liable-to-explode responds:

No worries! The bitch-killing will commence soon enough :D