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Reviews for "spongebob n hitler hentai"

nice one

that was priceless! You got my 5!

LordZeebmork responds:

cock crew lololol

Kottbullars part was among the sexiest ive seen


the rest was pretty crappy tho :(

LordZeebmork responds:

I agree


Didn't knew i was that knowingXD

I recognized Alizee, Goatse (at the ending with the mouth) and meatspin with spongebob riding patrick's headXD



LordZeebmork responds:



this was funnier than i thought it would be. nice work, man.

the only reason i give an 8 is because of the animation. but hey, practice makes perfect.

i loved pirate and dancing hitler as well.

why do Germans always sound angry, no matter what they say?

LordZeebmork responds:

Probably the same reason French people sound like they're gargling live snails coated in cheap wine.

the werk

j'ai bien aimé l'animation. il y a quelque amélioration a faire surtout au niveau de l'humour utilisé, c'est-à-dire de ne pas tomber dans le vulgaire gratuit.
les points forts, l'utilisation d'hilter à la place du capitaine, d'avoir mis une fois au claire que patrick et bob sont homosexuel. par rapport au dessin flash, ils furent correct, plutot acceptable puisquequ'on peut reconnaitre bob l'éponge, hitler et patrick et bikini bottom.

le coup de coeur de l'animation: putain, c'est simple la connotation tous a fait gratuite de l'allemand a hilter.

bravo et continue le bon travail

good work and continue the good work!!!

take care

LordZeebmork responds:

i dónt spéâk le frènçh sôrry