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Reviews for "Avatar Boredom Dub 8"

nice DUDE

i saw your others they where cool to so you deserve this then

TomaMoto responds:

=) Why thanks!

Pure Awesome

OK, i don't care what that guy below me says, this isn't stealing to me. Sure you didn't animate it but I'm sure people know that. The point that the author is trying to get out is that he can do some great voice overs, he has talent, thats for damn sure. Last time i checked newgrounds is here for people to be heard, people to share they creations whether it be an animation or an audio dub. Watching this wasn't amazing because it was some anime, it wasn't even because it was great animation, it was cause the author had amazing ideas giving the animation a new audio dub that seems to blend in perfectly into the world you see. I was laughing my so hard because this guy is a genius!

To the author, wow, what can i say, your an awesome voice actor. I've been doing voices my entire life, but after hearing a few of your characters I've been inspired to start animating and use my voices for my animations. Even if i had the chance to do a dub like this, I'll be doing something for this talent that's been just entertaining myself. Thanks for the inspiration!

TomaMoto responds:

Thank you much for your support and understanding. I'm really impressed and honored that the community in general was very accepting of my stuff. I expected a lot more people to react the way f0d did and for the longest time, I didn't like the idea of my dubs getting front page because animators might take offense to it. I got over that XD It's not like it's gonna be there forever anyway! I get my 15 minutes of dub fame and the world keeps moving!


wOw... I SAY AGAIN... WoW. You did it again. now i seriously want to know how u make em so fast. wasn't it just this morning u submitted one of those awesome films.

very nice mixture of animation and voice. It was very smooth. and also the voice was very clear and not muffled nor rough. Keep em coming. Great show.

TomaMoto responds:

Thank ya, and lol, I didn't make 7 and 8 so close together. Just 7 got frontpaged by accident and then it was switched. XD


can someone explain to me why this isn't considered stolen?

seriously, not to be harsh or anything but please, keep dubs on youtube where they belong. this site should be a showcase for people with some artistic talent or flash skill, not just people who take video clips that were made by others and put their own voice to it. its an insult to hardworking flash animators when stuff like this gets popular. i dont care how funny everyone thinks this is, it is the very definition of stolen. and no matter how much work was put into it, no matter how funny people think the dialog may be, its impossible to avoid the simple fact that this isn't the author's own work.

the only reason this is popular and has a 4.0+ score is either because people don't realize it wasn't the submitter who animated it, or because people have an unfair bias towards anything involving anime. im sure there are a ton of avitar fanboys upvoting this. i mean jesus christ, the only truly bad review that has been left thus far is some avitar obsessed nerd who got pissed at the author for ignoring some minute details from the show.

ugh, next thing you know we're going to have linkin park music videos that use nothing but montages of stolen clips from shitty animes all over the NG front page. i reaaally hope things don't degenerate that far, but the more the audience supports stuff like this by giving it daily feature, the closer we get to that point.

to the author, my suggestion to make your work better would first of all be to draw your own stuff. if you don't have the ability to do that, maybe find an animator who will animate to your voice clips or scripts. ANYTHING is better than dubbing your voice over stolen videoclips.

to the audience, i urge you to look past your irrational love of everything anime and realize that this is unoriginal, stolen content, and the makers of avitar could EASILY get this taken down if they found out about it.

TomaMoto responds:

I encourage the writer of the rant to get over himself. I contribute plenty to this community outside of my boredom dubs, and I'm real sorry that it doesn't live up to your standard of what "this site should be." I love flash, I love cartoons, I love originality and this just happens to be something I do for fun.

I won't be held to your lousy double standard. Plenty of sprite flashes are regularly submitted and passed here containing neither original visuals nor audio. A regular practice of high-rated flash artists here is to use their animation skills to make video over copyrighted songs. Do you bitch at them? Maybe, but probably not. I don't go raving when I see someone's flash leeching off the popularity and talents of comedians and bands, because frankly, it's all in good fun.

Maybe some people really do just like this because they're Avatar fans, whatever. Plenty of people appreciate it for the humor, so please don't sell me and this entire community so short next time. Take your energy and go make something good instead of whining about the silly 2-and-a-half minute dub clip that apparently took a huge dump in your cereal.

Great job.

You're an absolute genius TomaMoto. You have a lot of voices at your disposal too. Ever considered a career in voice over?

TomaMoto responds:

Only EVER WAKING SECOND OF MY LIFE! XD But seriously, yeah. I hope I can go pro.