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Reviews for "Adventures Of Gyro Atoms"

Pretty decent platformer

This game is pretty fun. The sounds, although limited, add to the colorful, cartoony nature of the game. The play control, especially with the camera scrolling, was a little shaky at times but no fatal mistakes, if it gets messed up you can always hold C and scroll it back where it needs to be. It wasn't clear at first that I'm only limited to 6 gyros, but I guess that is ok, I didn't have to use them that often. The fact that the camera always follows your gyros is inconvenient at times.

Anyway, people are going to be a little hard on you if you're on the front page because you're getting 10x the exposure of normal flash, most NG visitors only look at stuff on the front page. I voted 5 because I think this game is highly underrated. Good job. (I only have time for the first level now but since you gave me a save game I may come back later)

Good game except for..

When you get a game over, the screen goes black and thats it. Nothing.
Also, the character will go invisible once in a while after a large fall.

Other than those, this game is pretty good. It has very entertaining scripting. For instance, right before you get chased by the octopus, I hopped a couple platforms, accidentally let off a green ball thing, it bounced off some object and knocked this crazy super jump thing out of the sky. I couldn't tell if that was planned or I did it myself. I really like it when games dish out that kind of confusion. Its crazy! 4/5


this has some potential
the game was too simple you jsut need to make it a little more difficult
but the music was the best part

Pretty nice game

I don´t quite see how this could have ended on front page,it´s glitchy,if you die the screen turns black,your character often turns invisible,etc.
Other than that,it´s vey nice.

Dizimz responds:

well for 1, much worse things make FP, and much better things are often overlooked. But i tom and other NG admins knew about this game before release.

thanks for the input ill look into the bugs ASAP

That is one cool cat.

Wow, this is a really awesome game! Amazing graphics, sound, and music! The gameplay is also good, but it could use a little work. For example, when you're aiming your weapon, it would nice to be able to turn around. Twice I had to waste ammo because I was facing the wrong way and couldn't turn around. I also love how you had instructions most of the way through, except on what to do when that big skull is chasing you and how to kill the shark boss. I wasn't really sure how to kill him because I got him down but his health was still at 100%. Some background info on the character and why he's doing what he's doing would also be helpful.

Overall, though, this is a very high quality game and it's not hard to tell that a LOT of work went into this. Congratulations on a job very well done!

5/5 on the Pico scale and 9/10 stars from me!

Dizimz responds:

thank you, reviews are generally positive but ratings low im discouraged. i guess its cause of the colours people these days only like gore :P but thanks for the input