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Reviews for "Pushies Plus 2"

Simple yet amazing...

Good game to play if you've got a few minutes to waste.

Also, good thinking on picking Dimrain47's work for a game. That guy is a genius.

ETERNALGAM3R responds:

Thanks for you comments. I'm glad you liked it.

Dimrain47 is a genius, I've listened to his songs for a while now, they're well made.


I love the game....but I can't give you 10/10 because :
1) I hope there will be more power-up
2) I hope it will not lag so much...so probably you can try to make the squares more far apart or showing less at the same time.
3) Why my 'square' will not increase/decrease in size when I took + or - powerup? Or it has other function?

Now, the 'good' :
1) Simple gameplay
2) Nice graphic (I like the few colour scheme and the background pattern)
3) Music is not a big 'factor' for me, but the music in this game is nice.

ETERNALGAM3R responds:

The + and - is for the player's speed. I'll be adding size powerup along with others in Pushies Plus 3 whenever I get the chance to make it. Thanks for your comments.

Yet another great time killer!

For a short game it's awesome, however it could use some improves to make it a little more addictive. first of all you should reduce the number of falling blocks a little so that you can maybe stay on the screen a little longer. Also more powerups would be cool, and then a 2 player mode! It would be fun to challenge my friends in this XD

ETERNALGAM3R responds:

2 players, sounds good to me! I might just do that in the next installment. I'll be adding more powerups too, don't worry about that. Thanks for your suggestions.

Great Game, but..

I like your game very much but i got some idea's for you:
- Please, make it harder. (On Insane i keep winning its just no fun anymore if you can beat the game easy)
- You can make diffrent levels, like 1 is easy and after 2000 points you go to level 2 and then you can make it harder and harder and harder... something like that.
- More power up and down's (Like if you get a little sqaure with a spinning sign in it, the controls are gonna be backwards or somthing like that).
- you can make the shapes of the cube's (who are falling down) diffrent or bigger in levels or points.

I hope this was usefull.
Grtzz Ursem

ETERNALGAM3R responds:

I am definitely trying to put more into Pushies Plus 3. This game was merely a fix for the first didn't put too much time into it.

ya cant have a game without music

Wow I see that u improved this second edition of the pushies plus series alot compared to your first one. And I liked the way you incorporated the downgrades along with the upgrades, that definitely made the game harder, especialy on insane mode.

And I remembered how people kept complaining about the first one being a bit boring after a while. Well in this one, i dunno if u actually meant to choose this music or u just picked it cause it sounds good, either way nice choice. This type of music kept the rythym going and it didnt make me think once of how long ive been playing for, it actualy helped me to keep on playing.

Overall big improvement from your first one and again i dont care much for the difficulty, I care mostly about creativity and how well it plays out. Cant wait till your third edition comes out, but by all means take your time with it. Besides you cant expect to please all the viewers, there will always be haters.

9 thumbs up. I really wanna give a 10 on the third, so make it your best one. Once again... \.../<(^_^)>\.../ ROCK ON!!!

ETERNALGAM3R responds:

I completely agree with you 100%. Music makes of breaks games and most of the games out there just slap a randomly "good" song that might flow well with the gameplay and mood. I've carefully chosen all of my music for my all of my games and it shows because people start to comment on it.

I am definitely taking my time on the 3rd one. A lot more than most of my projects actually. I also have other things to juggle so it might take some time but I am actually derooting the game and reworking how you play the game instead of just another improved Pushies Plus.

Thanks again for playing and reviewing this game. I hope to have more Pushy Fans out there.