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Reviews for "Etude #1 in B Flat Minor"

might be about 11 years too late but may I get the sheet music for this piece? it sounds great

Why does this have such a small rating ????? ....I find it quite catchy ! ....from me, you get 5\5 with a voting power of 6.53 !

Good piece! I like the way it sounds - massive and slope.

- Its right that there are elements of chopin within, but also elements of the epoche of the russian romantic / beginning modern.

- A very big difference between this piece and chopins style is, that your left hand is beamy, while chopin would have played it variable - in compact accords and open movements. I think you should try to get more movement to the left hands by breaking up those massive accords (makes a good flow-feeling)

- It would be imporving the piece to insert a fast downwards run in the right hand for 2 or 3 octaves some tacts before the end, which could be in Dur for a little ironic feeling - very chopin - and rachmaninov-like
(just my oppinion as a piano player essentially interpreting chopins and rachmaninovs pieces).

- There is one iteration too much at 1:16 that sould be cut out.

- The iteration of the motive at 0:33 could be even more accellerating and increasing from pianissimo to fortissimo.

In any case an interesting piece with potential to become really good in a revised version - the appendages are really good and i enjoyed listening.

I hope you appreciate constructive criticism as much as i do and find this review useful :D


Rampant responds:

Hey, I'm always glad to hear constructive constructive. Unfortunately, I've moved away from these piano etudes to focus my attention on larger scale compositions, so it's fairly unlikely that I'll be revisiting this piece any time soon; nevertheless, the feedback is greatly appreciated.


I very much enjoy your classical music that you post up on NewGrounds. Your songs, especially, seem to calm me down and help me get over my insomnia. Keep up the great work!

Rampant responds:

Very glad to hear my music helps keep you sane!
- James


This is good, sounds like pirate music. XD