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Reviews for "SBC's Cookie Clockmas!"

Hi Rupee

Hello RupeeClock. I am DVDclock (but on NG ClockDVD because some other guy took DVDclock) and i joined the clock crew 1 1/2 months ago (also as DVD).

You, Rupee, are my favorite clock. Because of the animation and jokes in your movies are so fantastic!

I am always planning on making movies myself because now i finally AM a clock, but always it won't work out. I bought Flash MX 2004 Pro but i am still stuk with the big white square, know as Untitled.

Now to the movie (finally): It was very very good, nice to see another one in SleepEasy style (yeah i have watched all your clock movies already :D) and the jokes were awsome.

And nothing is more true as: "Pink frosting makes anything, taste good."

Rupee this was an awsome movie and i hope to see more in, couple of months (?).

Have a nice 2008!

RupeeClock responds:

You're not a clock just because you made an account on Newgrounds, fuck.

Another good movie

Yep all your flash movies are prety funny keep it up man :)

RupeeClock responds:

Will do.

The Wii Shop music was a nice touch

and whatever the hell Rupee mutated into at the end cracked me up.

And yes, pink frosting makes everything taste good.

RupeeClock responds:

Oddly enough, I saw on an episode of the simpsons the other day, "Pink frosting fixes everything"

Although to be honest, that scene never once occurred to me when I made this flash, I came to my own realization that pink foods simply taste better.


I still wanna know what happend to you..

RupeeClock responds:

I'm thinking of making a flash that'll reveal just that.


wow front page nice job :)
wtf happened to u at the end?? U MUTATED INTO A SUMO/ANGY FAIC/RUPEE!!!!!

RupeeClock responds:

Sumo? Sumo wrestlers are fat.