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Reviews for "Stalingrad-2"


awesome game! i played the first and the tanks help a lot :) the time consumed in upgrades may make the game tougher but the tanks and money factorys balance that.. the level progression is too slow, i dont intent to spend 1 year playing the game! 1 lvl gets you tired of it.. anyways, its the best game of its kind ever! 10/10 :D

Freaking Fun

I find it hard but I love it.


Thank you for a game were Nazis die. there are many of them but this is my fav. YAY DEAD NAZIS


it was a good game but i didn't understand how to get to another level but overall i had fun kicking the snot out of the nazis

Great game!

One of the best (perhaps the best) defence game I´ve played, the machine gun is the best weapon...against tanks!?

I really reccomend people to try it, and to those whos complaining how hard it is, would you rather complete a game in 5 minutes or 50? The game saves the progress so even if you fail you can restart from where you lost.

HINT: I always build 15 Gun Factories and research Machine Gun, at the beginning, also WATCH OUT FOR THE AIRPLANES!! Dont forget to upgrade the Flak Cannons and place Machine Guns infront of them, every Airplane wave is really big, and brings alot of cash if you shoot them down.

The game entertained me for a LONG time, almost two hours and I´ve still havn´t completed it. It´s unique with the factories and it defenatily deserves max points no doubt. Keep it up!