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Reviews for "Farewell, Dave Thomas."


you make opra man proud

OrangeClock responds:

Sì, l' uomo di opera sarebbe molto fiero.

This really is sad

This really is sad, I mean, I've always thought of Dave Thomas as being invincible of sorts. The way he ran his business, it was just so perfect. Did you know Mr. Thomas would actually go to small towns out in the boon dock cities of every state, and work at Wendys restaurants there? And now... he's dead. Only the KFC colonel could compare to Dave Thomas, but they're gone... Departed from this plane of existence. And for once, I wish there was an afterlife, so that when I die, I will know that Dave Thomas will be there, waiting to great us all at the pearly gates, handing out paper hats to the kids who died young, bowls of hot steaming chili to people who froze to death, delicious triple quarter pounders to the people in Africa who died from starvation. I don't want Dave to be gone. This really makes me sad. O' the wo begotten fate that is our lives. O' pain and suffering that we must survive. O' the $.99 value meal to keep us alive. Good bye Dave Thomas... Good bye.


Ill miss Dave... :'-(

Why Dave, whyyyyyyy! :(

So sad, vote 5.

Rest in peace, Dave.

Thanks for voting, Shade_Man!
Your experience points gave you a voting power of 5.07 votes. Your blam and protection points gave you an additional 4% of your experience power, meaning that your total vote power was worth 5.27 votes!

The more experience points you have combined with BLAM and PROTECTION points, the more your vote is worth!

You gave this entry a 5, raising its score to 3.74!

*sob* Why, Dave?!? WHY?!? ;___;