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Reviews for "LeekClock VS ClockCrew"

KInda boring

an ok game, but the enemies just get strong and faster but you dont get anything that makes yourself better. add in more elements to the game play, just clikcing on the mouse button isnt very fun and its kinda tiring. sorry bro but until you make the game more interesting i'm only gonna play it this once and never again.


Its Hard without power ups, and the the enemys are big you are big, and the map is some little square... Need more things...


gay... u get no power-ups... u get no levels... just guys running at you... it was like that zombie game... just not good... i would stay away from this game... this WAS a good idea... but change it a bit...


At first i thought it was boring...

But when they could take like 5 shots its starteed to be cinda funny!
Just walking around there with my super laser was cinda cool :P

But poorly drawn animations and no power ups pulls down a lot.

clockcrew makes nothing but trash

hey heres a funny idea lets put a clock on a bunch of random crap and make them talk! woah wait lets make terrible games and animations about these guys! thats such a good idea! NO ITS NOT! your game, your "crew", and every thing you all make sucks harder then hoover vacuum!

there is nothing fun about your game just some poorly drawn vegi shooting lazers at other poorly drawn clock creatures. no power ups, no levels, no point! avoid this game! unless you want to waste 2 mins, thats as long as its gonna take to laod this game play a bit then immediatly hate it!