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Reviews for "Legend Of Zelda (25 years"

I like it...

You know, the weird thing is I am a HUGE, repeat HUGE, Nintendo fan. I own every console, played most major games, know everything about the company (like Nintendo was founded in 1889 as a playing card company), but I was never really a fan of Legend of Zelda. Granted, I've began playing the games recently, but it's not really chaging my opinion of the series. However, I always found the music amazing. If you look at my remixes, about half of them are LoZ. Like I say to everyone who makes a good mix, it's nice to see someone paying respects to a good series, and a good one at that.

ChronoNomad responds:

Much appreciated, indeed! I think it's pretty awesome that, even though you've never been a big fan of the LoZ games themselves, you still appreciate the impressive musical legacy that the series has given us.

Nintendo still makes Hanafuda playing cards today, over 100 years after their humble beginnings. You can even get them with Mario and Zelda art on the cards now...


This song is so great! I don't know Zelda much, but this song is so honorable almost like for some medieval knight. Anyway, this is the first song I added to favorites on this website. Way the go dude!

ChronoNomad responds:

Yes! I am honored to have this as your first favorite song here on Newgrounds. I feel like I really succeeded at accomplishing what I desired to with this song, and it's all thanks to reviewers like yourself. Thank you so much.


You did a very good job making this

It just goes to show that Legend of Zelda leaves a good mark just like this music

For this awesome track I give you a vote of 5, ten stars, a place on my favourite list and a download

Also about Navi and those talking about her below

We all know she gets annoying especially when replaying Ocarina of Time

But Kepora Gaebora was a lot more

So yeah no big owl in this music! ^_^

ChronoNomad responds:

Thank you on so many levels, and I'm really glad that you like it!

You know, the one that really creeps me out is Tingle. I mean, a middle-aged dude playing dress-up because he wants to be a faerie? That is so not right on so many levels...

...I do totally agree about the owl, though. He always looked just a little too freaky when his head would rotate completely upside-down. >_>

Very nice!

It definitely brings up some feelings when you hear it. The legend of Zelda is an absolute favorite of mine! My favorite game of the series is "Link's Awakening". I'm way to far gone to be doing a review right now.... so I'm going to go to bed.

This review is realistic, I mean, for Christ sake a man goes to sleep in this thing!

ChronoNomad responds:

Link's Awakening! That one was for the old-school GameBoy, but I remember it well. I find that to be a really interesting choice since most folks claim "A Link to the Past" or "Ocarina of Time" as their favorites. I guess the fact that it was the first ever portable LoZ game does make it kind of amazing. I really loved that title, myself.

Thanks for another interesting review! Now go release the Wind Fish from its slumber within that gigantic egg, but don't go snooping in other people's dressers and stuff. Other folks do that kind of thing in adventures, but not Link. No, sir.

Ah the memories.

The Legend of Zelda; What a series. I remember when I was like 7 or 8 when I got my first game in the series. Ocarina of Time. Defiantly one of the best. Still a fave of mine (Collectors addition. My N64 broke a while ago). Can't wait for the 3DS revamp to come out. Nintendo doesn't disappoint with this series (OK, they did once, but that was the 2nd game, give em a break). Also the one series that if any one says they hate they are lying their asses off because it is way too awesome to hate (also means that if they say they hate Nintendo they are lying because, lets face it, without Nintendo, Sony wouldn't have anything to copy).

Anyway, the song is great. Brings back a lot of memories.

ChronoNomad responds:

Gotta love the nostalgia! Thanks for the comments and review, and I agree that it would be pretty difficult to be a gamer and not have played at least one LoZ game...though I do know of one, and I'm hoping to remedy that very soon!

Link, Mario, Samus Aran and all the rest are simply the premiere heroes of the video gaming age, and those that claim to "hate Nintendo" are quite likely forgetting how it all got started. Classic gaming for everyone!