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Reviews for "FlashMan's Realm 25%done"


.............................. ................
---A K I R A---

Pretty good

There are a lot of spelling errors. It would be preferred if you fixed them. Other than that good movie.


Never uploaded since...

I like your movies!

I really like your movies! =)

Sorlag responds:

thx alot. nice to know there are some megaman fans out here :-)

Learn how to spell, jackass...

I applaude your flash skills man, but the fact that you cannot spell simple five letter words makes me wonder whether you should avert your time from flash to basic english. in short, spend less time making flash and more time reading and writing.

A good flash movie can be shot to shit if the author cannot write simple sentances.

Sorlag responds:

Well iam maby not the best on english words, but thx for at least voteing fair whit ur Overall rating and other rating's. But ill try to write more correctly in my later movie's ill go over whit an Word-book.