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Reviews for "You Love This Movie"


I know you were trying to be funny with the whole masturbation thing, but in the near future i suggest you dont do that. To Perverse just makes people disgusted and want to hit the X button, than laugh there ass off. Theirs better way to be funny than that. Good job other wise.

RSQViper responds:

Well, I actually don't use those types of jokes much, but in this video they were used. In fact, only one of my other Flashes even have sexual humor at all and that's "Dumbledore is Gay."

Thanks for the review.

Best NG Satire Yet...?

Applaud the two authors: this is by far the harshest, most poignant satire on Newgrounds. Why is that? More than fifty percent of it is true. The fact that they employed interesting organizational techniques in developing the cartoons doesn't hurt their standing, either.

While it helped in making progress over nine months, it's hard to see two different artistic styles side-by-side. Perhaps each style is too primitive to make any distinction between the authors. Not that it's a failing; the two styles blended together perfectly, which ironically became a strength, even if the artwork is generally primitive.

Artwork isn't the concern--this is all about fun. Most people first entering the world of Flash have one or more weak links when handling the program; conceptualizing is hard enough, but actually making it work... well, those that did are creative and aesthetic, true, but they also kept things simple. Flash authors who become famous often get criticized for the simplicity of their cartoons, or how their cartoons use themes and artistic styles over and over, without expanding their technical repertoire. Yet, they repeatedly come out on top, because the loyal audience immediately sees the quality of those author's works, while neophytes usually end up scratching their heads.

The tale of two kids who resort to terrorist actions against popular authors, including a hostage situation mediated by the site founders and admin, all to create a guaranteed "Daily First" entry and lucrative merchandising deal, is perhaps the best satire plot in Newgrounds. It's also long and exhaustive, at exactly five megs--the site's original file size cap--hence carrying a certain irony along with it. The sequences of slaying Clocks, running down Retarded Animal Babies, and executing Tommorow's Nobodies, are all excellent examples of where the flash shines. The ending, ever leaning towards an utter lack of realism, manages to let the authors act out everyone's fantasy of fortune and glory through standing tall over the corpses of countless Newgrounds pet peeves and disillusionment. How poignant.

The only gripe is excessive sexual humor. Everyone masturbates to television and pornography; it's overplayed in this cartoon. Granted, flash authors aren't associated with romantic relationships, but it's stereotpical and overplayed here. Most cartoons work better without sexual humor anyway; it often detracts from the main message.

Still, this is Newgrounds. Everyone uses this stuff too much. They had to display it.

The jokes express frustration and jealousy over popular flash authors. Incidentally, the humor often leaves the authors themselves painfully exposed, as if to say the more aspirant authors harbor jealousy over popular ones. Such jokes tell the audience that all Flash authors prefer lazily masturbating over working on Flash (can't be the case if they've won portal awards); a gross, condescending misconception. There are lapses in an author's submission cycle for other reasons... like not being glued to the computer like we might assume them to be. It's trite to restate that, but remember how easy that is to forget about when you're frustrated over how popular authors excel.

It's just personal enthusiasm... something the community has in spades anyway.

Despite the masturbation/misconception issue, as well as crude styles rendering the audience unclear about who's doing what (without the credits), this collaborative satire and plot is an excellent cartoon... as well as a good example on how to collaborate in a team. By specializing and prioritizing tasks, the authors pulled through. This is an example about how to organize a project. Hence, if this idea catches on (being Front Page and featuring satirical content, it's hard to say it won't), then future submissions will have a new standard to surpass, with a new set of techniques to learn in order to surpass it.

So it's okay to be a little jealous sometimes. Like the authors, let's spend that energy on showing those popular authors something to fear...

RSQViper responds:


Well, first of all we'd like to give you a 10/10 on your review.

The two styles mix together well mostly because there isn't a ton of detail in them. If too much detail was put in, then they would become awkward. The big differences are in they way I shaded mine and the mouths/lip sync.

The whole playing with yourself things were used for comedy reason, not because that's what artists do all day. I mean, I'm an artist and I have a sexy fiance who I have hot, lurid sex with all the time so I NEVER have to masturbate. [That's my story and I'm sticking to it ;) ]

And I would say that a lot of artists are jealous of very popular artists. Like, I KNOW I can't draw and animate like Adam Phillips. It's not part of my DNA. At the same time I don't have that kind of time to animate, either.

For the most part this movie was just taking NG and situations and exaggerating them.

Thanks for saying that we basically made a new bar for collaborators to reach and surpass, though. That's a cool way to think about it.

I Love This Movie

Dear god, you've made a brilliant satire! Like a great (some analogy here), this combined a lot of what I've been wanting into one thing!

The storyline was excellent - one that comes around once in a long while. Some of my favorite parts were of the "Greatest Flash Ever." I think you should submit that alone and see how it goes, I'd give it a five. The illwillpress scene had me in stitches, too, with the "I...I don't know how to draw Foamy. It's been so long."

Nice work on doing something others can not - Make a satire without blatantly pointing out obvious flaws with what you're critising. Fucking excellent.

RSQViper responds:

We keep hearing that people want us to submit "Best Movie Ever." Probably a ba idea. Most people would see it in the portal and go 0 happy.

Also, good to see you found a few parts that cracked you up. Thanks a lot for reviewing, too!

Wow, I thought this was REALLY going to suck...

..and I was right! {8-O

;-) PSYCHE! I liked it. Once the really painful faux-flash was over and they began killing people, it got very funny very quickly. Well worth waiting for, and as much as I didn't like the first part, it really was a necessary evil to establish the backdrop for the good stuff. So anyone who starts watching it and thinks about closing it prior to the carnage, DON'T! At least wait until you see Blockhead. If you don't like it by then, then okay, close it. But anything before that isn't a fair shake! ;-)

RSQViper responds:

I agree. It was necessary, but even then there are some funny parts in the beginning. I mean, the User puking all over his comp is pretty priceless.

Glad you liked our movie!

Super Rad

That made me laugh so hard.
This was really good.
I loved the message to the flash too.
Real original.
So yeah, I can't wait to see what else you guys come up with.

RSQViper responds:

Thanks, dudette!

Just keep looking for us. We've got stuff in the works (plus you can ALWAYS check out our previous stuff, too).