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Reviews for "Dead Frontier: Night One"

pretty good

more levels and powerups and it would be better
but still its a good game

great game!...

only problem was it was endless and you had such a small space to manouver, only suggestions would be, a mele weapon, a bigger space to move around in, and more than 1 level.

Dead End...

There are so many games out there that promise fun, and this is one of them. The problem is that the game has no root. Who made the virus? Will it spread? What the fuck? Will there be a war? Why did it even begin? These question are what make the game more enjoyable, but there are more thing laking beside the root origin. Weapon variety is just mediocre and the the map variety, well, blah. What about the hot chick that you must defend? What about the character? What about him? The grapics are great and so are the physics, but still, what the hell?

JTbluefire's score: 7.4
JTbluefire's comments: Work on the game besides the friggin engine. Games don't have to look good to be good. And this is mediocre.

JaggedBladeSoftware responds:

I'm not sure how you ended up playing a shoot em up. I think you were looking for an interactive novel.

i like

This game is one of the best i have played in a long time. The only thing i didn't like was the fact it's a bit too dark and reloading. But it's still a great game. Good job.

Nice and Gory acton.

There have been alot of zombie submissions lately, ranging from survival horror like this one, to flash movies, and the most popular, zombie defense games, alot is submitted, but there is nothing wrong with it, this stuff has become very popular, and I'm not tired of it yet, zombie survival never gets old to me, at all.

The graphics were great, but I feel the camera should have been closer, you know where we can see the character and the zombies at a better view.

To make this game more memorable, on night 2 and future nights of Dead Frontier, make it to where you can go in different rooms, doors opening and closing, and even different floors, like a whole second story of the house, make it to where there are a few survivors you find later, controlled by A.I , they assist you in zombie killing and you must also protect them, I also feel these game needs barricades of sorts, pile up furniture infront of doors, lamps, t.vs you name it, couches of course, pianos, and the door itself, all have a temporary value of keeping you safe in the room, so the barricades can last a wee bit longer, make a hole in the wall, or a vent, you can shoot out of, to try to keep the zombies from totally destroying your last line of defense, hell if you wanted make it to where you can nail wood planks up on doors and the windows.

Seriously instead of being on a constant adrenaline rush, we need some time to take a brief break in the game, to atleast feel we are safe for a moment right? Don't take the adrenaline rush totally away, of course keep zombies coming, through door ways, busting through windows, etc. etc.

To make the action more packed, make it to where you get lucky shots sometimes, to conserve ammo as a bonus, by like a couple shots, or even one shot from your gun have it to where you can blow the zombies head off, make it a gory scene too, even have it to where we can shoot off the zombies arms or legs from time to time.

When your done making different parts for this game, night one, night two, etc. etc., you should seriously think about taking this game online, making it a multi player game for NG, in the multi player section, just an idea, think about it, by the way calling the different parts of your zombie game "Night one" "Night two" is very cool, its better than using the old "part one" "part two" shit, not that those are bad, its just cool you add a different mix to the different titles is all, interesting :).

Good job on night one, its great the way it is, just in the future releases add lots more content, try to avoid the route where people complain "it got too repetitive", keep it repetitive to a degree, but add different little twists now and then to keep our appetites at full, making us want more. :)

I am not bashing your game in any way whatsoever, I'm not saying its crap, its a fantastic game, I'm just giving you some constructive criticism, in case you run out of ideas, as I expressed above, good things can only get better.

I'm only an Idealist, yeah I don't make flash and I have no experience in it at all, but I enjoy flash movies and games to the fullest, and I want to make sure I help all the artists out in every way possible, if they listen to my advice that is, Iam one of the artist's biggest fans, and Iam a huge fan to survival horror stuff, ranging from all types of the genre.

One more thing, consider making difficulty settings? You would appeal to a bigger crowd, different gamers play at different paces, and some can do what others can't, think about it.

Thanks again for the great game, I enjoyed it, it can only get better and better. :)

xVegetAx, Ng Portal Police Sergeant.

9/10 Stars.

5/5 Vote Panel.