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Reviews for "Dead Frontier: Night One"


This was one of the best zombie shoot em games I've came by,I actully felt the tension.There are some fixing you need to do though.First I hated how you need to press space twice to go from shotgun to tmp..you should make it numbered like (ex. 1)Glock, 2)tmp and so on) I liked how the lights were turned off for the pistol round,but sometimes I kept running in to things..The reload times are to high...if its possible you should make the reload time varied to the gun like (ex. pistol have less reload time then tmp,tmp have less reload time then shotgun) but make it so you don't get horded when you reload,reasonable reload times.Other than that Great game!

I liked it, but...

When you're surronded by like 3 zombies, it's impossible to get out, and I'm usually reloading when this happens. The guns should reload a little faster, and you should give it levels, possibly multiplayer/online.

great game, enjoyed

is there a pause button? if not it'd be nice so like someone like me could go take a piss and come back...just to let you know, if there is..WHAT BUTTON IS IT?(i swear i pushed every button!)

awesome game

unlike other zombie defense games, this one was actually scary. i don't mean screaming, nightmare scary (no fun for me) i mean pulse pounding atmospheric scariness. the zombies weren't slow, passive brain chewers, they were fast, smart, and in your freaking house! that was a welcome surprise for me, they're not just marching up to your house, they're coming through the windows and want you dead. graphics were also great and added to the atmosphere of the game. and just like in zombie movies, the reload time is when you are most vulnerable. i died reloading my shotgun XD. i also liked how when you had the zombors right up in your face i was hard to move, like they were holding you down. the only thing this game needs is some melee attacks, it would be very helpful to the player and would make the game more realistic. give the poor guy a combat knife (he is a soldier after all) or a hatchet or carving knife (could have found in the house) or just make him able to simply whack the guts out of those undead bastards with his gun. well, awesome awesome game and now i'm going to reccomend this to defense games section.


IT SUCKS! first you run out of ammo and second theres like 5million of zombies coming at you wow.... and if you can have like a person helping you and if you can buy weapons like every morning.