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Reviews for "No Mercy For The Damned"

Sweet Jeebus!

I love you. That's All I have to say.
When I was watching this, my mum had walked past with some Halloween stuff. Which included a fake axe with blood, and a Clown costume.
The amazement that jolted through my bones was just simply... Uncontainable. I've watched this flash how many times?
And I still get that very feeling. Be proud of what you have created!

Rawmin responds:

Thank you, we are glad you enjoyed it! That's pretty freaky how your mom walked by with the exact stuff that was in our movie!

-Joe Crevier

not bad

umm.. yeah i loved the animation

Rawmin responds:




Great , everything was just perfect.....

Rawmin responds:

Thank you!

-Joe Crevier


Okay - first off the poem ,to me, is the Gothic literature equivalent of a novelty pop song.

Full of clichés buzzwords such as blood, damned, hell etc all used like a blunt instrument, without finesse.

This words may carry an emotional charge that can be exploited correctly within well constructed prose but here they're slapped together inexpertly in a children's nursery rhyme, written almost as a testimony that all the worst, juvenile pretentious posing is still present with the Gothic scene.

Now to those of you who liked the poem this may seem harsh, but frankly if you like this ,your standards, when it comes to poetry, must be pretty low.

Theres no use of metaphor, theres no unique or interesting rhyming scheme, the central motifs are repeated in a million similarly armature blogged poems.

All i can recommend to whoever wrote this poem is get to the nearest public library, get everything you can (poetry wise) by E.A.Poe, Byron, Lovecraft,Thomas Percy... the list goes on. I am not saying that these are some great untouchable poets you should aspire to copy but I AM saying that they are writers who have gone before who's aesthetics you seem to share and it may benefit you to read them.

Then the flash animation. Average. A good average for newgrounds but weak at points.

The animation is what merits the one star.


well... everything was kinda perfect... just that flower at the end comparing to the whole movie had a very cheap look... but i love it... nice :)