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Reviews for "Mason's Bubble Blast"

lol @ Peanut

The one good part of this game was the Conkers Bad Fur-day-esque Ferret Boss "Peanut"

Of course it would be entertaining, this is Newgrounds, after all!


i found this to be scarey becous my last name is mason

For a differant crowd

For the average stick killin pill poppin brutality lovin NG Playa I give this a total thumbs down. But if you like to ride around in a mechanized wheelchair wearing an obscenely large helmet and eat your meals through a tube so you dont choke, then Let the good times roll! Repetitive to the max max max max max, as well as so simplified it makes my bowel movements have more replay value. There isnt even a score system for the snowboarding sequences. The bosses all do the same thing. Run from bomb, boss comes down, shoot boss, move back when they charge, run back and shoot, shampoo rinse repeat. Lets leave this one in the attic. If it was a fresh entry, i'd be setting up a BLAM! cannon.


it was ok

What was THAT?

Sorry, But I really didn’t appreciate the real cut-out photos in the game and the stupid cutscenes and annoying comments with that person with the high pitched voice. The game is kiddy-ish in a way, which I do NOT like! But nice graphics when they are not cut-out photos.