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Reviews for "SSVsXX(FinalFight)Part2"


nice job... this was very well made... you are good at flash.. i'm glad to say that there is actually someone better than decent in the portal... :)

hey i liked it ya know

it had style and action and fighting and it wasn't all sticks, weird that it wasn't done by the xiao xiao guy or the stick slayer, Ben Spurgin either, but it wasn't bad it was just poorly drawn, thats about the only complaint, but then again neither of those series is an artistic master piece they just focus on different things, ziao xiao action, stick slayer is story driven, i mean come on there is barely any animation in those comics


werd man xiao xiao all the way holmes

pretty cool

i would ignore shamarashok or whatever the hell his name is, you are a talented artist and really there is nothing to drawing sticks, i thought they were quite well, and i too am a great fan of xiao xiao, and power blasts like that definately dont come exclusively from dragon ball Z, if he had a brain in his head he would realize that energy blasts date back way before DBZ

Loved it

That was great, I love how you can choose at the end. The graphics were fantastic, just as good as Xiao Xiao, and the sounds were up to par. I loved the massive fireball volley in the xiao ending, and all the attacks were very well done for both of them