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Reviews for "The Real World!"


Pure fucking amazing. No more info needed.

Battosai810 responds:

many thanks!
glad you enjoyed it

Nice and good.

Well, this is a television parody. I wonder why you make this if you hate it...

Battosai810 responds:

I can't leave a project unfinished, and I actually liked the script when I wrote it, but it just sort of fell apart as I put this flash together. I like to learn from my mistakes so I'm not deleting it either.


What a crazy movie I just watched. I especially love the intro and you hear Mel's voice saying 'The Real World!'

Reading the author's comments, I can imagine how much frustration there would have been, I've had similar problems with the audio and playback, then completing it only to be rated 0 by some loser who can't give a constructive review.

Battosai810 responds:

I'm pretty sure I got a bunch of abusive reviews for this one, but they've all been deleted.
You read the description and know I didn't like this cartoon, but a few fans of my work do. Thanks for watching, and glad you enjoyed it.

Iz Pretty Gewd.

I liked your take on the way reality shows roll. (like that play on words?) This Animation kinda was like that animated show "Drawn togethor"- Animated reality show :-p What your animation needs is some more punting... and yes I do agree that your sound was kind of crazy, but that's just the way things go sometimes.
I liked the movie- you should maybe add Eye stabbing to your growing list of feindish attacks... Good job. keep em' coming.

A message to hardyboyz1... 10 year olds are the reason I go on newgrounds... I go on Newgrounds because it has a more mature variety of People(s).
But apparently you just proved my theory wrong... Would you kindly gtfo.

Battosai810 responds:

well, much to my pleasure, i do plan on throwing more things into spudboy's eyes as things go on. it amuses me to torture that spud sometimes :)
i actually never saw "drawn together" but i heard alot about it - but yeah, not enough baby punting - however, i'll admit i got lazy and didn't really feel like animating much at 22fps, as you can see from the end...
anyway, glad you enjoyed it! i'm gonna start work on something new soon!

as far as hardyboyz1 goes - he's just a flamer, he's used the same flame he used on me everywhere. there's a hardyboyz1 hate flash up somewhere on NG, and i can see why. wade fulp said he'd be taken care of before too long, since they're still developing part of the site.

anyway! glad you liked it!

Not bad all!

Altough I prefer your other flashes (Dawn of the Jeb or SRM does GoW are pieces of art) , I also like this one. Maybe it's not the beauty in your collection of flashes, but I sure like the idea. Thumbs up, wanna see more!

Battosai810 responds:

well, i'm really glad you liked it as much as you did :)
i'm still throwing around ideas for another "big toon", to borrow some homestar runner terminology.
i can't say i liked this animation as much as my others, but here's hoping my next will be in line with the classics!