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Reviews for "The Treeva Experience"

Le Gasp!!!

Whoah Whoah Whoah!!! So Treeva turned into a full blown tree at that last secret!? Creepy dude. Anyways, this game kicked ass, so you gotta ten outta ten, otherwise, a five outta five.

Bobert-Rob responds:

Yay, people are actually going through and finding all the secrets. This is a relief, as I was worried no one was going to be able to find them all and thus waste the secret footage. Knowing some people (as of now, I only know of two people who have) have found them all is a pleasant surprise. Le yay. I don't know what yay is in french, but look how much I care. Look at it. There isn't much there, is there? Much caring that is. Thanks for the review!


The surroundings create an eerie feel, and the way that we go to the menus makes me feel a bit sorry for Treeva. *SPOILERZOMG* I could only find two secrets, one by clicking Treeva's left chest, and one by waiting until a pixelated version of you (?) went in and clicking it. The second one is funny, and the first one is one more notch on the surrealism scale.

Bobert-Rob responds:

Le oh no! Deh Spoilur! ABANDON SHIP! *sounds the alarm* WOMEN AND CHILDREN FURST! ...sorry, I do that sometimes. Anyway, yeah, if you want to learn of how to get to the other secrets, there's the walkthrough on my site. You can use it to walk through and uncover the main 9 secrets. Not run, but walk. Walk straight through it. If it was meant for running, it'd be called a runthrough. A runthrough would be fun, but you may miss finer points if you're running, so walking will do just fine.
But in all seriousness, it's good to know the eeriness of this was good for ya. It was certainly good for me making it, as I always want to do stuff like this, but never have much in terms of story or drive to make it. Hopefully, I'll someday make more things like this, cuz making it is awesome. Thanks for the review!

wow, amazing

however freaking creepy that was... i loved it =D
i still cant find the rest of the secrets, even on your website =( ill keep looking though ;)

Guess what?

You rock. Indeed. =D

Bobert-Rob responds:

Well thanks, kind of you to say so!

i went

OMFG at the final secret. it was awesome.