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Reviews for "The Treeva Experience"

Very nicely done.

Very nicely done, cool job, though some of the links to the flashes are messed up, and in the music section you can't turn off the background music, which is a little annoying when trying to listen the pieces. (All of which were cool. ^^ )). Good work, not perfect but very, very nice style and good choices of what to show.

Bobert-Rob responds:

Background music doesn't stop? Weird. I tried it myself (off my hard-drive that is) and there didn't seem to be any background music at all for me. Damn. Oh well, can't be helped I guess. I should release those tracks on Newgrounds anyway, they're some of my better ones. It will happen one day. The links to the flashes SHOULD work also, but eh, it happens. There's links to them in my profile anyway, no biggie. Thanks for the review and compliments!


dark, mysterious, creepy, random, violent. i especially liked the little characters in the backround. took me a while, but i found all of them :D 10/10 :D and the little psy under the bed was cool.

Bobert-Rob responds:

Yeah, I'm a fan of those little characters too, just because they're so pointless and add so much to the background. You have all this dark moody stuff going on, and then you can take one of those little characters and jump on a trampolene. Good fun. Thanks for the review!


i think the creepiest 1 was the drawing 1 were u dip the "ink" in ur 'pot' the way u set it out was great make moar nao

Bobert-Rob responds:

Oh, I'll make more... eventually. I have so many other things on my list of things to do right now that it'll be at least a year before I'm able to devote any time to another Treeva thing. It'll happen, though, as I DO have ideas. Thanks for checking it out!

Cool but unsatisfactory... IN A GOOD WAY

I found the whole thing thouroughly enjoyable. Sure, I thought you could've done more with it but there's always the thought of doing a different project with the ideas from this project incorporated into the next. THEREFORE! It wasn't ACTUALLY unsatisfactory, to the extent of how cool it was, but then again WAS because of my lust for more. >.> In other words: I don't make sense.

That is one weird website...

seriously? cutting a wood elf's wrists to get to parts of the website?


...still good though, don't get me wrong, superbly designed... but this still deserves one big WTF from the majority of viewers

i loved the whole "find secrets idea", those things always keep me looking and entertain me, the little movies were excellent

i cant really list any bad things perse... except the whole concept is going to spark some controversy i guess. it wasn't really a game, its basically a flash of movies and secrets, i'd change that.

i'd love if you did actually update this. all aside, one kickass way to waste time, bravo.

Bobert-Rob responds:

Well, due to the interactive nature of it (clicking to go to each section, actively searching for secrets, etc) makes it more of a game than a movie. It is one of those things that really could be considered either, but since there's no actual 'main' movie to this, I figured it's closer to an interactive interface (or game) than anything else. It does sit really close to being a movie with a really complex menu system though. And yeah, the concept of the menu itself (ze cutting) IS pretty controversial... but I like how disturbing it is, really sets it apart from the other things I've done. But yeah, I doubt I'll ever get this morbid in my work again... don't quote me on that, though. Thanks for the review!