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Reviews for "Anyone else"

For a while I was thinking the loading bar must not be working, would've ben nice with some form of progress meter instead of just the flashing text. It was well worth the wait though, the mixture of styles, the serious (reminds me of Max Payne for some reason) atmosphere, the jazzy music... it doesn't even matter that the main characters are sticks, it's all graphic and surprisingly emotional for just a slice of life. Really nice work!



I love this animation :D
its message was clear, and it made you think about your life - do you want to end up like this "i"?

my only complaint is the music, it just doesnt go. there should be a softer, quieter track in the background. the sound effects were good however.
10/10 and 5/5.

Hoodlum4hire responds:

Thank you muchly SuitedCriminal. And here was me thinking this had faded into obscurity the minute I posted it. Sorry you didn't like the music, I'll make sure to consult you on my next piece for all things music. ^ ^ Thanks for the review.

(H4H is a sucker for 10/10's)


Amazing. Words need not be said in this animation; the music, the character tells it all.
I loved the melancholy theme of a monotonous, repetitive life and I found it simply stunning.
I'm sure many broad-minded viewers would be able to connect with 'I', as they lead their lives.
The music was a fantastic pick.

Hoodlum4hire responds:

Nobody likes a kiss-ass Venzael. XD Thanks for the review.


what you put in was great, what you left out really bugged me. i didn't recognize the character enough from this piece alone to see him as a symbol or caricature, as opposed to a figure no one wanted to draw arms for. first a body with hands, then a hand with a sleeve, then other bodies with bodies, then no body again, then a face.. eyes making a cameo.. buttload of work tho, and the pool balls wigged me out. coy preloader!

Hoodlum4hire responds:

Ok, firstly thank you very much for expressing your opinion and thoughts on this piece. The no arms thing is something I've been doing for a very long time, I did actually try giving him arms in early production but it didn't turn out so great so I stuck to my usual guns. In the next couple of submissions I'm working on you'll notice a few of those have that same trait. And yes the editing was fairly choppy I admit, largely due to the fact that I animated each scene in individual flash files and stuck them all together >< (bizzare I know). Originally I was going to add a few "links" or in-between scenes but frankly I was growing somewhat tired of it as I had already put in as you said a "buttload of work" over what was probably the span of five months.
I hope you still enjoyed watching it as much as I enjoyed wigging you out. Once again thanks for the review, much appreciated. ^^

nice one

that was a pretty nice animation. this one here had a pretty nice concept and plot behind it.... very touching as well, good character and graphics, a little humourous in some spots, but the plot to this one was pretty nice.. really made a nice animation.

Hoodlum4hire responds:

Thanks, I'm glad you liked the idea so much. Thats two people who've said it was funny now, which bits people?
Oh, and thanks for taking the time to review!