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Reviews for "Nodes"


Graphics: Well, not much you could do for a connect-the-dots-through-the-o ther-dots game. Graphics were pretty good, I'd have liked more than just that one background template, there's so much left untapped there however.

Style: My motto has long been "Keep it simple, stupid!", and orginiality has always won points with me. You've combined both into this game, as well as the gamplay itself. All of the puzzles are tough, but when you figure it out, you're saying, "Why didn't I think of this sooner?". Full marks.

Sound: Oooooohhhh, I had to hit you for this one... More music! Music is good! It is your friend! Also, the noises when you activated the nodes and when the proceed button showed up got REALLY old REALLY fast. Maybe not so... repetitive? Yes, it was somewhat repetitive.

Violence: It's like connect the dots. No violence used. Duh.

Interactivity: Interactivity is pretty much the whole game, it's one big user interface. Of course you get ten, especially because you made some nodes unmovable, making it even more taxing on the mind.

Humor: Same situation as violence. Unless you think connect the dots is funny....LOL DOTS HAHAHAHA SO FUNNY! .....not likely, huh?

Overall:Good game, Make something of a sequel...Nodes 2, more dots than ever before! Hmmm, not so much... get working on that!

It's alright

It's a good game but it gets boring quick.

good game

Its a good puzzle game,not to hard,not to easy(well,maybe just a little)cuz its 5:30 am And my brain is fried from lack of sleep and Im quitting at lvl 11 so it might be a bit to easy considering how far I got,not to mention I usually suck at puzzle games when Im feeling normal.
anyways Il come back tommorow and see how I like it,its a good game either way and if it is to easy(and Im not saying it is)
just put a hard mode in there,dont mess with the medium mode,it might make some idiots feel smart if they get far on it,you know,like me!


I booted up this game to find it boring.I found it to be moderately challenging, and well made. Music unexciting, but was very impressed.Definitely very good all round.Did notice, tho, that sometimes I had to have the laser going directly through the centre of the circle, not just touching it.Is this meant to happen? Good work, can't wait for the sequel.

great concept...

but many time it would take a while of moving the line through the node again and again to get it to activate this could be a real bother on some levels