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Reviews for "Boldly Going Nowhere"


^^Good Points^^
Heh, a movie made completely by you, even the music. Very cool and a very commendable effort on your part. It made me smile to watch this. Pretty good drawings and the lyrics were funny as well.

^^Needs Improving^^
In parts the song sounded a bit disjointed, as if you messed up in parts or were just improvising or something. Maybe just some more practice before you actually record.

Review Request Club

Timsplosion responds:

Yeh, thanks. This one is 100% made by me, and I don't know about anyone else but I feel this is one of my best flash works to date graphics wise. But unfortunatley that's not reflected in the score. :P Well, the song may have been a bit undercooked, but it still did the job I wanted it to.

Mixed feelings

Watching this with a mind to reviewing it, I've gone on a real rollercoaster of how to rate this flash. You've actually made it quite difficult for me, which says a lot.

The tune is decent, though I would suggest that you employ something to keep your tempo a little better, as you didn't quite stay to the set pace and it sounds a little off, particularly when you switch to the chorus and back. That and you're playing all of 4 chords maximum, which is very basic.

Still, I'm not a music critic, so I've got to rate the animation as well. You've done a good job animating the whole thing, so you can build on that. The plot was good and you did stay reasonably true to the lyrics. I'd draw your attention to "Sitcoms or Documentaries", where the character holds up scrubs for sitcoms. Why not take that slightly further and hold up a DVD of a documentary, like Life on Earth, or something?

Still, keep on playing and give us some more flash music videos, I'll look forward to them

[Review Request Club]

Timsplosion responds:

Well this song is a basic, but fairly effective song at getting the mood across, which is all it needs to do to be catchy really. :) I was thinking about having him hold up a Documentary, but I'm a bit lazy. I'll try my best to keep making music videos. Glad you liked it, and thanks for the review.

good one

that was a pretty good animation. a little bit short overall, but this one was pretty nice to watch. it had a very nice concept behind it, good graphics and character in it, good audio in it and it offered some pretty nice entertainment. i can sure see why that you said this one is your 'best single flash to date'... it was pretty nice.

Timsplosion responds:

Well this was actually my longest so far I think. :P But oh well, some like it long. :) Glad you liked it and you liked the song, and thanks for the review.

Pretty Good

The graphics were pretty good and the music was of pretty good quality, actually. Everything ran very smoothly and with the song.

This may sound weird, but you should make your flashes, from now on, more 'professional'-like; like try and make your flash look more well-produced. I'm not saying this wasn't well-prduced-looking, I'm just saying...

I enjoyed it, good job!

~ Z
~ Review Request Club
~ 8/10

Timsplosion responds:

More proffessional. Hmmm. I suppose I could work on that, might be an idea. Well, glad you enjoyed it and thanks for the review.

Well done Chap... lol Chap

Well done bro u have balls to submit that with your own voice and lyrics its a good song and you have a pretty good voice overall i found it just a tad boring Hey Heyyy Heyyyyy just a tad lol I liked it Try Makeing a rock concert flash if you Do You have my 10 for shur :) Good luck On your feauture flash's and also im not just flaping my gums please make a rock consert Flash then pm me and tell me its done And ill Vote ten :) Loved it Good luck...

Timsplosion responds:

Thanks :P Well I might try a rock thingy... If I could play the drums and guitar and sing at the same time. ;P I only need two more arms. :) Well, glad you enjoyed it, and thanks for the good review.