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Reviews for "goldilocks 2"

Fuckin' amazing, albeit somewhat disturbed...

First of all, I gave sound an 8 only because the voices are somewhat hard to understand at points, a 7 for interactivity 'cause I love the ability to go back and see certain scenes only at the end and a 10 for humor because even while I cringed I found this piece immensely amusing... the rest of the 10's need no explanation, frankly.

I voted 5 for this because it is god-like.. I never saw the first but you can bet I'm on my way to watch it right now.

We need more stuff of this caliber on the portal.. I get tired of watching the lame shit looking for the good stuff.. if I didn't have a cable modem, I probably wouldn't even bother to be honest.

And btw.. the disembowled nun bowing at the feet of an eviscerated Jesus was a stroke of pure genius for wit's sake. My hat is most definately off to you.


Better than the first one, if that's even possible!!! And sandwichboyceo, there are captions. Jsut go to the menu and choose them.

You must be a witch or something.

I don't see how anyone could possibly possess as much talent as you do. I'm really amazed. They should have had your guy in the Portal Fighter Game. I'd be pissed if I were you. Fucking fantastic, man. You seem like you'd be pretty cool to just hang out with.


Now THIS is what a horror movie is all about - a full-on torturous, hateful, brutal, no holds barred gorefest with AMAZING detail and horrifying tension with every frame. If you became a director and made a full-legnth as intense and brutally horrifying as this movie, you would have horror fans mauling each other to get into theatres to watch it. By the way moomoomilkman, if you're a fucking christian, you must be a total dumbass to watch something like this when it clearly states grotesquely excessive adult themes, violence, language, and everything else. Go back to your church and shove a cross up your ass you religious prude - you'll probably like it.


you r going to hell!!!!!!! !!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!! but it still rocks!!

....fuck here come the nightmers