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Reviews for "Caravaneer"

Has a lot of potential

It could be a very good game...

but it's pretty much impossible to get into!
-There are not really any instructions while you're playing the game, no tool tips or descriptions

-Something which lets you calculate how much food/water etc you need, or even just display how much you will expect to use so you know how much of it you need

-Fights at the start need to be easier - took a couple of trys just to beat the first one which attacked me... and then get attacked about 4 times to get to the first town

-Fights/traveling just take too long, it's not really a lot of fun sitting there waiting for the game to do something.

Anyway, I think it could be a very good game, but as it is it just gets boring and tedious.

Another Alien Hominiod!

This game could be a real console game. Add better graphics, allow you to set up how your caravan reacts to attacks (position of men, also the choice to retreat if its impossible). This is a cool Mad Max game, so man i would propose the idea to some companies and you may get a game deal out of it.

Keep up the good work.

"The Best Flash Ever"

Man...this game is amazing. The man who posted before me is exactly right...I mean its the best flash i have ever seen...and its fun. AMAZING GAME!

I didnt have my speakers so im going to give you a 0, as in unknown, could be good or bad. void it.

Breathtaking and holding potential

I'm joining on the bandwagon of "Wow, immersion! Complicated! Capitalism, yaaaay!". This is a unique take on a lightly-touched genre on Newgrounds that I could only hope be flushed out more in the future. While the design is obviously well planed, the implementation lacks shine in a few spots. I'll go ahead and second/third/eighth^45392 the "speed up combat" notion.

I'll get the more trivial things out of the way first. The music in the world map is very fitting and fun, but the quiet during the long combat is a bit awkward (although no music is better than extremely cheesy music that breaks the immersion). The town maps fit the theme well, but the lack of any features on the world map in general gets pretty boring. Doesn't need landmarks that would help navigation, but anything to make that more vivid would help, even if it is supposed to be a great wasteland.

The interface is where some of my main concerns are though that could help make the game a bit easier to grasp. For example, at the shop and equipment screen when looking at weapons, things like damage and accuracy could be highlighted more over, say, the weight and manual/automatic reload. Ammunition is a bit awkward to match up too, it would help if it included a portrait of the ammo type when you have the gun selected. Also for the inventory, separating the containers from the weapons/ammo would be very, very useful.

Random interface comment: people are having trouble finding the save files because the options menu is labeled with a question mark, it looks like clicking it would only open up the tutorial again. A floppy disk or something might work a bit better.

The in-combat interface is also a bit cumbersome. The actual buttons and statistics are dwarfed by the field of vision of the combat area. Increasing the size of the statistics for AP and load left in gun (perhaps a gauge or row of bars of some sort for either? something that can be 'read' on the fly, maybe even moved to overlay the combat view) would make it a bit easier to use. Also on the combat, the fighting area is far too large! Although I haven't reached anything near the 'end game' where I suppose there could be more characters, it seems silly to have a turn or two where both teams get closer to each other, even with very long range weapons. If the field of combat were smaller it would also reduce the need of the huge combat viewing area on the interface and allow for more room for buttons. Random thing that would help: allowing arrow keys to scroll around.

Two features that come to mind that might help is archiving the news and using under-burdened animals as mounts to increase the speed of people. The news archiving would be doubly helpful if you could find specific events for towns so that you only research for the current path you're taking. The latter might be included already, actually, so pardon me as I haven't had the spare cash to test out buying extra horses, and haven't encountered vehicles yet. It wasn't included in the tutorial so far as I could see, but it seemed weird to include the speed thing for animals if the speed is more or less limited by people walking on foot. Might make bandits a bit too easy to avoid but what's stopping them from stealing some horses for themselves? :)

Ack, I'll stop this wall of text here. You listed "use latest version" in the menu but I wrote this assuming there would be a sequel. It would be disappointing to not improve on it more since the game does give a feeling of immersion in the damn-near-apocalyptic world while giving a great deal of depth to the gameplay of this genre.

D-mah responds:

Absolutely great and practical ideas. I'll use them all. Thanks.

Original concept, great execution

So I see this game, and I instantly feel its difference from other games. First, I see the title and description, which shows it's obviously not some generic click-to-shoot-people game, and it's also not a dress-up game, and it's not a bad attempt at a space shooter or a fighting game. Usually, no one puts in time for neat trading and fighting ideas, especially not ones like these. So then, I see one of the reviews. The guy says it's "too complicated, i dont know what to do," and that instantly tells me that this game is either very deep, and people don't read instructions, or it's an utter crapload of bad design.

I click. I read tutorial. Sounds good so far. Then I start playing. Man, is this game awesome. You put a good idea into great work, and I found the various ideas of trading and watching the news to get profits, and fighting against robbers and such, and the police corrupt enough to force one to pay fines, well, these ideas were great, to put it simply. There aren't enough different factions in games like these. However, I would have liked a bit less robbers...in some areas, I'd exit out of a fight only to get into yet another one....and that's rather irritating a lot of times. This was a huge limiting factor for me...also, the thing with 50,000 dollars was essentially repetitiveness and an annoying attempt at lengthening the game. Curious though, was there another way to find the base besides getting the info from the ex-robber? I also find the fact that you can't join the robbers or work for the government limiting, but I suppose you want to stick with the plotline.

Ah, yes. The plotline. Incredibly well integrated into the whole thing, choices available, and other things that make it feel interactive. Admittedly, the plot is generic, and there were some grammar errors (all minor) around the thing, but the fact you attempted a plot, rather than saying "oh ya you are drug guy selling drugs in different cities" or "you are trader and you trade stuff" and dropping the player into the game.

Good job with this. It's a worthy game. If only it wasn't so repetitive...

D-mah responds:

Ha! You can work for the government, and you will finish the game MUCH faster and easier this way, although you won't feel like you're saving the world (at least that's what I meant)