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Reviews for "V-tech Rampage"


Okay not only is this game evil, and I'll probably never be able to a politician after clicking the link to get here but you are a disgrace. Trying to use people's pain to make money. *sigh* I'd feel better if you truly believed in the game and didn't try to profit from people's disgust. Flasher should create violence for a better reason than making money in a negative way. Even if you were selling it, it'd be better.

Sigh and please make better game. The game has worse graphics than the arcade games before pacman.

=/ I feel bad for you.

It is truely a shame how people think and act. When the teachers and students of Virginia Tech were massacred, the entire world mourned. What happened that day won't ever be forgotten, and the family members whom lost loved ones will always feel a stinge of regret, sadness, and even that empty feeling deep in their hearts whenever they look at their calendar's a few years from now and see that the anniversary of such a travesty is but a few days away.

To turn that anguish, frustration, sadness and evil into a game and openly mock those whom were hurt? Heartless. No matter the intentions, it is simply wrong. And you know what? The only way you will ever feel wrong for what you have done is if something like that happens to you. Judging from the way you are handling such a situation, it's a simple brush of your shoulders. Pray for your saftey, because alot of people will take offense to this and use action instead of words. I hope one day, you will feel the pain the victims of V-Tech felt when those whom they loved were taken out of their lives. Maybe then, you will realize just how wrong it is to feel like what you did was nothing to be ashamed of.

PiGPEN responds:

I skimmed but... the message was something about Cho being God right?

In which case youre a nutter.

Walked here half blind?

It seems that you have no sympathy or empathy for the incident at Virginia Tech. Why bother make a game on a subject so touchy, that mentioning the name outside already brings a rush of "It was so sad."? There are many other things you can do in your spare time. If flash is your only outlet then I suggest you get another hobby.

Although I'm not supporting the creator of this flash, the viewers have to realize that alot of people do not care about the incident at all. Each time you hear a person die from any cause whether it is an accident, sickness, murder, or suicide, you simply don't care unless you have some sort of connection with it before. Sympathy and empathy are extremely different with most of the "more selfish than not" world not having either. I'm saying that you probably shouldn't criticize other people's lack of sympathy for the Virginia Tech incident if you never really given any sympathy to an accident on the news. Don't be a hypocrite. Change yourself before you even attempt to change others.

I legit don't see how anyone can enjoy a game about this, considering it was the deadliest school shooting in america. This is not something to laugh about friend, I live in Blacksburg, and absolutely no one laughed about this. I know it's been 5 years since this game came out, but I don't care. While the game is good quality, I don't like it because you went and make a game about it.

The sneak through the guards is so stupid