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Reviews for "V-tech Rampage"


overall i was an ok game smooth playing but with nes graphics. However the subject matter and story behind it leaves a little to be desired. I dont know if it was a good idea to poke fun at a tragity like this with a shooting game. The music was ok that played but the first thing i did when i started was well.... get caught. Overall 6/10 but please dont poke fun at something like this

PiGPEN responds:

You know what, youre right. It was wrong of me to make fun of a tragity like i have. It's a tragity in of itself to make fun of such a tragity. You really made me stop and think about how im not really doing anything to prevent such a tragity! I'm doing nothing more than jabbering on about a tragity! THAT DOESNT HELP ANYONE! If anything this conversing of knowledge will cause another tragity! And then i'll be the cause of tragitees... oh god, what have i done?

It's hard to make a review for a game like this

Let me start off by saying that you have a right to make this game. On that note, the game was only decent. I liked the stealth part, but the shooting had no challenge whatsoever. In my opinion, you should made it more along the lines of Super Columbine Massacre, where there was much more plot and it had a point. The game didn't explain why Cho went out to kill people, and I had no emotional experience through the game.

I want to finish by saying that I think that the game has all rights to be made, but it's way too early to make a game of the tragedy, especially since the shootings only happened close to a month ago.

PiGPEN responds:

Why should killing people be made harder?

Free speech...

This game was mediocre in its quality. When I heard of the controversy behind this little flash I had to see what the fuss was about.
Again, I wasn't surprised that the controversy was over nothing. This, just like the recent Don Imus crucification is a situation that was blown out of proportion.

Good job with the game...
You might just be a bit rebellious
You might be wanting to make fun of the incident at V-Tech
You might just be expressing yourself creatively

Whatever the case, I respect your freedom to express yourself
Whether or not you live in America.

Thanks for your time


Cruel-ly hilarious.

Social commentary or narcissism?

Should people be offended by this? Look at it this way, if people didn't get offended, and you wouldn't be getting so much publicity.

No, I am in no way offended. It was a tragic event, a bullied young adult creating his message and print on society through murder. This is just trying to get inside the killer's head and turning a very serious fatal event into an innocent toy. It is more or less a contrast. Turning a terrible tragic experience into dark humor.

Now, while playing this, I couldn't tell if you had some sort of actual purpose, or if you were doing this for the sake of offending people and gaining internet popularity. Cashing in on the crowd Super Columbine Massacre RPG! created.

I couldn't tell if I was supposed to take this as art or as a joke. Perhaps it's just an opinion.

And if I was supposed to take this as a joke, it's a tad bit early to make fun of Virginia Tech, don't you think?

As for the gameplay, I appreciated the variety. The interesting use, forcing the player to come up with a strategy to complete the level.

It was too short. All three levels could be beaten in less than a minute.

The second level, getting caught while Cho talks to himself is kind of unfair. I mean, what he's saying is necessary to know where to go next and it's not like I can speed the text up.

This is probably just me, but it seems to me that killing and injuring is at random. Why can't I just shoot them?

The graphics and dialogue were both very amusing. The music was beyond annoying and irritating. I would suggest that using simple 8-bit music would help translate the topic to an actual video game. If that made any sense.

Should this be removed? No. Censorship is a sin. All opinions have a right to be heard, regardless of who agrees.

PiGPEN responds:

Never too early.