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Reviews for "V-tech Rampage"

I Like Your Style

Not much I can say for the art and programming being as I am not a flash designer, but I do want to say that I really enjoyed your writing. It had an overly light and playful tone to it which went well with the dark gravity of the reality of the V-Tech shootings.

As far as content, this is America and you can draw whatever the hell you want no matter who and how many it offends. Even if I disagreed with this material Id'e keep my mouth shut about something that I didn't take the time to create.

Dude you took a chance making this

I really liked it but Im surprised people didnt blam it. Im shore this pissed off many many people. I thought it was really good though. It was pretty accurate too. It caught all the major plot points and everything. The whole pixelish type graphics was a cool idea to. It just seamed to suit it more than a regular graphic scheme would look. THe gunplay was good and the stealth was a cool thing to mix it up a little. Good job.

All I can say is: LOL!

Listen, first off let me state this, ITS A FUCKING GAME! Yes the tragic events at VT should not be taken lightly and I think it states something about our culture but its a game. Review the game, not how sick you think it is or how fucked up the shootings were.

The game was awesome! The graphics were decent and I like how it gave it that "old school feel". I really enjoyed the levels and I thought you put it together well. The music and sounds are perfect for the game sand they cut in at the correct times. Interactivity was great and I thought it was funny what the VT sign said and what all the other charecters would say when you talk to them. Good job man, keep up the good work!


Well it was a good game, but I understand how some people would be offended by it.

But then, you got over 14K views; Which is EXCELLENT for a game that wasn't front-page. And, judging from your decent score, I'd say it looks like many people enjoyed it too.

I think this is the kind of game that makes front page in news stories... And it would probably be used as an argument to "ban" violent video games.

Because the V-Tech massacre hasn't affected me in any way, I guess I can't really associate this game with the actual event, but if I did, I would probably find it appalling.

But I should be fair, it's none of my business to be appalled for someone else and I'll let those who are give you the low-scores and bad-reviews, as for me, I can't relate to the event sufficiently to see it in a negative light... I mean, if I take the "concerned approach," I might as well consider this: 1 child dies in Africa every 3 seconds from preventable causes, now if we (the developed nations) payed more attention to their needs, then, with little sacrifice on our part, we would be able to stop this. I tend to believe that the government and thus; we, as the people represented by that government are somewhat responsible for these deaths... We have every tool to stop it, but we choose not to.

Humans are cruel, and, it's just something we have to deal with. There is no point bitching about how this is "evil" when we sit on our asses knowing that people are dying unnecessarily.

Also, we have video games and movies which revolve around world war 2! Now excuse me, but the number of fatalities was VERY different. It's a 15,000,000 to 32 deaths match... Personally, if it's OK to "parody" WW2 less than 60 years after it happened, then I think it's OK to parody V-Tech 6 months later.

Super Columbine Massacre RPG!

This reminded me of Super Columbine Massacre RPG!, except I truly thought this was better, since this the gameplay is varied and each level is different than the last. Good job

PiGPEN responds:

I do try!
Columbine RPG had way too much battle drudging, stops being funny when you get to hell. Plus RPG Maker games are sorta auto-lame.