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Reviews for "Stella - 3rd Lung"


Good work dude, sounds awesome. Keep up the good work.


Head banging AWSOMENESS. please tell me about more

I rate on talent

In a way I kinda agree with Hend on some points. there is potential and talent is obvious however i think that trying to be less broad and try not to have your music jump around so much. I can see that there was alot of stuff you wanted to do. Maybe breaking this song apart into multiple different songs will be more effective.

I'll be another critic

Despite the great quality of the recording, there is just not a whole lot interesting here.

Lots of chugs that try to maintain interesting polyrhythms, but ultimately sound like weak breakdowns that are far too overused. The riffs themselves are alright, but reek of metalcore and moments of tasteless wankery.

The electronic elements are interesting, but I think bands like Violent Work of Art and Blood Stain Child do a much better job of blending them into the song structure and the mix. It's as though you'd like to be progressive, but rather than coming up with song structures and riffs to keep us interested, you just throw in bizarre influences. I can handle bizarre influences when done tastefully like Opeth, but here it just seems forced and arbitrary.

The vocals bother me. I really don't like when screamo folks try to crossover into -core, and this is no exception. There is an inflection to the vocals that just doesn't fit in the metal genre. Hardcore or punk maybe, but for me it just doesn't work. The whole package is made very typical, breakdowns and screamo vocals.

As for constructive feedback - I'd suggest looking at your balance of genres and try to pick something to excel at. Picking from everything at once disables you to shine at any one thing. Maybe listen to some Devin Townsend to hear how he incorporates bizarre things across his music but makes it work with his overall sound. There's a coherence to his music that this song lacks to me. I'd suggest easing off on the chug riffs - djent has become the hip new thing for screamo crossover kids to try out, but bands like Meshuggah will always trump your ripped off efforts. Try to make the riffs a little more interesting. And for lack of better suggestion, while your vocalist fits your -core style, it's a style I abhor and I'd suggest trying to get away from it and picking a new singer entirely. I'd like to see your ending passage come back into something heavier and interesting, because it has a nice feel to it with a smooth lead guitar.

Well, maybe you'll just write me off as an elitist. It just sucks because I can hear there's potential in the instrumentation but there seems to be too much influence on what's "hip" or "in" right now - e.g., dubstep, -core, screamo vocals in metal.

4.12 / 5.00 (+ 0.0037)

I loved the electronica elements you added to this. The guitar riffing was badass. I can totally jam to this!