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Reviews for ""Get A God": Special #1"

It's, like, tradition for me to review now.

Amazing collaboration, guys. Definitely something to be proud of, here. Sound was practically flawless. Humor was what's to be expected from Get A God, but stayed refreshing and different.
Guest writing can go two ways - it can make or break a flash series. However, the series is going from strength to strength.

Can't wait to see what topic you, or a future guest writer, highlights next.


Cambo responds:

"I guess clunes just has an eye for awesome people" - Enoll

My ex-girlfriends suggest otherwise.


I was chuckling the whole way through. Really nice job here.


funny...and sadly...sometimes true


while I find adn agree with most of these cartoons, I do think that you are a little bias on the athiest side, I know that its supposed to resemble the mac and pc comercials, but not all crhistians are like you are led to believe. Im not heavily religous, whilst I still belive in God, and the sad part about this cartoon especially is that people actually do this. Selling hope, its horrible. Love the flash, love the humour, but I had to spread my opinion, sorry.

i really liked this

it's average but an idea most people probably wouldn't remember. pm me because i have an idea for a script it'd be really funny.