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Reviews for "Zelda: UO Epis:4"

A fantastic improvement

This animation is a huge improvement on the previous animations in the series, well done! The voice acting is great, not too over the top, good expression, clearly spoken. Great use of music to create atmosphere within the scenes, especially after Saria is captured, the music fit the scene perfectly. The most notable improvement was the pacing, the whole animation flowed very well from scene to scene and kept my interest the entire time. The fight scene was well choreographed, not too over the top. The dialogue as well was natural. Diggs' lines were quite funny.

Overall this was a great flash. It is a great improvement on previous animations, and something to be proud of. Looking forward to the next episode!

I am the saviour

Guess what i got when i voted on this?
You're the saviour! You are one of a number of people who have helped keep this entry in the Portal!

Lol i really like this series though. GOOD JOB

ScootLumpDude responds:

I have no idea what you're talking about. XD But it sounds good.

Hey, nicely executed!

Hey, man! Excellent job! Been waitin' for this to come out, and finally it has! ^.^

Anyway, awesome job!!! You should be proud of urself and ur art work. Man, If I could draw action like that constently, I still wouldn't be able to pull off something like this! The only reason why I didn't give you a 10 out of 10 on the graphics was because there were a few instances where I thought the pictures didn't really follow through. (ex. One shot of Link looking at the "???" character [and yes, I know who he is] looked a little awkward. That, and the segway with the clip from Twilight Princess was a little awkward as well, but still, it sorta worked)

Excellent job! Keep up the good work and I hope to see the rest of your work!


p.s. You think you can message me and tell me your basis of drawing? I'm asking a bunch of people, so I am trying to get out of the still portrait phase to start working on movement. Any tips or tricks? Thanks!!!

Pretty Cool

I like the movie a lot actually. Definately one to be proud of, and the best in the series. I can't wait for number 5!

Not bad, keep it up.

Just a pair of tips to give you.

Graphics are good and well done, and the blur is well done, but you should add moore details to your backgrounds. Not much, just a bunch of little things to make it less empty.

And for the subtitles bar, make it prettier, with a cool but not excessive outline and a god font for the test (and maybe smaller, looks better).

Keep em' coming.

P.s: Link talks? :D

ScootLumpDude responds:

More detail? Got it.^^ I'll do better backgrounds next time.^-^ Thats for the constructive review. And I'll make a deent sub bar next time too.