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Reviews for "No Fly Zone!"

this is just AWESOME! I love it.

Great illustration ! I love the colours the perspective. It does not need any explanation it's great.

If I may ask, what road did you follow to get to this point of artistic skill?

JoshSummana responds:

Hey thanks for the comment! Really appreciated it! I am not sure if I am the best to ask about how to progress as I am still learning myself. But the best thing I can advise is to just draw what you love, and practice regularly. Do a lot of studies and try drawing from imagination to re-enforce the studies you do. It does take time but you will naturally get better :). If you find it easy, you're not studying the right thing! :)

The mix of colour is awesome ! I like the contrast between the magic blue and the sandy orange. This image tells a little story at least you can build one in your head and that whats important about illustration. I really like the piece!

nice colors and strokes!

Absolutely beautiful.