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Reviews for "Sonic RPG eps 7"

Awesome Awesome-er Awesome-est

This is awesome and my fav episode in the series. This game here is Me-Approved

great game

you will say i-m an idiot but i lost with the rock hehehebeast


When Fighting To Reala... Make sure that Your HP will not be Dropped Lower to Half... Or Else ou Will Die...(Tip to Shadow, Don`t Use his Skills, It take too Much SP.. Just Use you CP to Heal)(Tip to Nights: Use His CP to Heal or to Attack Enemy But don`t Use too Much SP for Attacking.. Just use it in Healing...)
By the Way the Password is: maren

P.S: Awesome Game... 3 Years from now.. Ep. 9 is Not Released Yet! I cant wait Enough :))

this game cant get any better

THIS IS THE GREAT|EST RPG EVER! YOU DID GREAT! but one question, why make them curse i mean not really good when they curse. other than that you did great!